People Share The Most “Rich Thing” Someone Did In Front Of Them


Regardless of your presumptions, judgments, and beliefs about affluent individuals, we pretty much all have some sort of schema formed about who these people are, how they act, what they do, how they dress, and how they treat others. So, when you hear the phrase “rich person,” you generally already have a description of this type of person drawn up in your mind’s eye.

It’s only human to make assumptions based on what we encounter. The following stories are no different, and go to show that there are people in this world who have money to throw around; like writing large checks to random people or throwing away nice clothing because they’ve been worn. The things these folks do are so absurd that the witnesses are convinced that the person doing such a thing must absolutely filthy rich, because what else could it be? It can only be chalked up as a “rich thing,” a behavior designated only to the crazy rich.  Read on and see for yourself.

30. She Gave Me Her Mercedes When My Car Broke Down


I just want to know what happened to the car.

“I had just turned 17 a few days prior and had some money saved to buy a piece of **** car for $2k. It’s all I could afford to buy myself at the time and I did not want any financial help from my family.

After driving it for 10 miles, smoke started to pour out of the hood and the temperature of the car was in the red zone. I let the car cool down, drove another 5 miles, and it happened again.
I called my mom and dad for help to no avail, so then I called my grandma, also known as Noni. Well, Noni flipped her **** that I wasn’t given a safer/better car from my parents, so she picked me up, gave me the keys to her 2001 Mercedes E320, and had me drive her to the Mercedes dealership where she then bought herself a brand new Mercedes GLE class that had just come out a few months prior.

This all happened within an hour. I remember thinking at the time,’D*mn, I hope I can be rich enough one day to buy a brand new Mercedes on the spot.’ Richest thing I ever saw. Love you Noni.” Reddit user
29. She Has Her Rich Daddy To Help With Her Troubled Finances


“My friend’s online boutique incurred an obscene amount of debt from her impetuous decisions because she was ignorant to who her demographic was and her abysmal business acumen; she purchased a plethora of exorbitantly priced stock of counterfeit designer clothes that she would re-purpose and fabricate their authenticity under ‘vintage collections.’

It was an asinine idea but she remained obstinate to group reservations.

Six months later, she’s incurred over £80,000 in debt and she’s lamenting the loss of her passion project with histrionic Facebook posts about losing her home as well. Our group consoles her as any compassionate friend would until she just picks up the phone, calls her affluent dad and asks him to resolve the problem.
And he does. He absolves her of the repercussions of frivolous spending and incompetence without so much as a reproach. The next time we see her, she’s been rewarded with an ostentatious Mercedes because she’s ‘depressed’ and her dad’s now renovating her house to ‘let the sunshine back into her life after too much rain.’

Yes, she likes to use inane platitudes to placate our group’s resentment.” VelvetDreamers

28. I Set Up A Four-Year-Old’s $250,000 Birthday Party


That’s one lucky child!

“One of the richest things I’ve ever seen was the $250,000 party at the Ritz for a 4-year-old’s birthday.

It was Willy Wonka themed.
We spent 3 days decking the ballroom out in lights, speakers and TVs. There was supposed to be a chocolate river, but the health department somehow prevented that, and the ballroom floor was supposed to get covered in green shag carpeting, but that’s the part where the parents were like, ‘She’s 4. She won’t remember this.’

They hired actors to be Oompa Loompas, there was a buffet of fruits and chocolates bigger than my bed, there was a rainbow candy bar for the kids to go get their fill on sugar, TV’s playing the original movie, and a half dozen other tents and bars for the kids to be entertained.

$250,000 for a birthday party for a 4-year-old.” LiteBriteJorge
27. If She Didn’t Want To Clean It, She’d Simply Throw It In The Trash


If I had a lot of money, I can’t imagine just throwing stuff away… That’s the ultimate form of laziness and wastefulness.

“This girl I dated just threw her clothes away after wearing them because she didn’t want to do laundry. This started when I was over one day and she has this huge mountain of dirty clothes in her room. That pile was there the last several times I’d gone to see her and grew a little bit each time, but now it was out of hand.

Her dad comes in shouting about how many times have I told you to clean this up. She says ‘just throw them away.’ And he ******* does? And she still had enough clothes to wear like nothing happened. From then on most of her clothing, except for a few select items, just went into the trash instead of into a hamper.
She did the same thing with dishes she didn’t feel like washing. If the dishwasher didn’t get it all the way clean, it went straight into the trash.” dyam

26. We Were Bored, So He Paid People To Put On A Private Show For Us


I don’t think this guy realizes how little it really takes to entertain kids.

“When I was in junior high, a kid I’ll call ‘Joe the 4th’ moved in around the corner from me, and we got to be friends. His parents were divorced, and he lived with his mom but had regular visits with his dad. What I didn’t realize at the time was that the fact that his last name was plastered all over the city (on auditoriums, hospital wings, university buildings, etc.) wasn’t a coincidence.
One day, Joe the 4th invited me to go to his dad’s house for dinner. His dad lived in a fairly large old Victorian house in a rather upscale area.

This was the kind of house that had dumbwaiters and secret passages. It was pretty fun to explore, but I really didn’t think much of it.

We had dinner, and afterward, his dad decided we needed some entertainment. So, he got on the phone, and around 15 minutes later, a Spanish guitarist and a flamenco dancer show up and put on a show for us.

I realize that’s not as showy or ostentatious as casually tossing handfuls of money to a waiter or valet, or things of that nature. However, the idea that he would casually drop hundreds of dollars for a private show just on a whim illustrates just how little money really meant to him.

His dad was very laid back. He usually drove an old pickup, and always wore jeans and cowboy boots, and usually a flannel work shirt. To look at him, you’d never guess how wealthy he was.” NastyLittleBagginses

25. They Felt Bad For Us, So They Wrote Us Checks For $11,000


“So one of my ******** jobs in college was doing door to door pamphlet bombing and collecting donations for environmental initiatives in the SF bay area. Normally, its all-volunteer stuff, but this time they were hiring people as it was an election year.

Normally, its a goal of $30-50 per day for each person.

This girl (who had done this for a year) partnered with me and she was just such a nice girl but no one was donating despite her charm. I did a few and fared no better.
Finally, I knocked on a door and a dude comes out. I do the script kind of half-a*sed mainly because I was impressed by his sound system in his living room that I had peeked. He showed it off to us, offered us a drink and went off to get his checkbook. He comes back with his wife and she was like, ‘Ooh, let me get my checkbook too!’

The guy asked us what we normally get per week for this and the girl I was with told him, ‘On a good week, around $200-250.’ The guy makes a face and was like, ‘Nah, that can’t be right…’ and hands us a check for $5,000.

Then his wife shows up and was like, ‘You did 5? I’ll do 6!’ and gave us another check but for $6,000.
We were speechless and my partner started to cry. The guy also asked us to give him a call by the end of the week so he can follow up with our efforts. I found out later that he was a retired music producer who was super loaded but lived in a normal looking house outside of Oakland. Crazy stuff.

For our efforts, the campaign got us a fancy dinner and a small bonus from the foundation.” Nezan

24. He Ordered Five Meals, Took A Bite Of Each, And Gave Us The Rest


“I used to work as a chef at a restaurant in this massive 5-star resort.

Our restaurant is usually quiet during lunchtime, as it is more of a fine dining place and people would go to the less fancy ones for lunch (there were 6 a la carte and 4 all-inclusive restaurants).
This guy comes in, casually dressed – shorts and T-shirt – and orders a salad and the 5 most expensive main courses on the menu. Two other colleagues and I are on shift so we prepare everything and send it out. Twenty minutes later, the waitress serving the guy says he requested 5 clean knives.

The guy had tried a bit of everything, then proceeded to cut a layer off the part where he’d eaten with a clean knife (hence the 5 knives), so the rest is not contaminated by him trying it.

He said he was full and insisted the food is not wasted and given to the staff on shift so ‘they can also taste the great food they make.’
When leaving, he came to the kitchen and thanked/shook everyone’s hand. We later found out the guy owned over half the resort, apparently. There was no single owner, but he was the biggest investor.” na7r1x

23. He Called Himself A Celebrity… He Was Famous For 5 Minutes Two Decades Ago


“The fact that this isn’t a high-class establishment makes this story better.

I managed a local wing joint with delivery while I was in college. One day a delivery customer calls and said, ‘I’m a famous celebrity and worried that people might see my name on the delivery and cause problems.

What can you do to make my account more private?’ I’m really taken aback but tell him he obviously could change his name to a fake name (duh). He then goes on about whether we can assign a private delivery driver to him etc., etc.
I finally get off the phone with him after saying no to all of it and look this guy up. He was a bench player for the Atlanta Falcons for one season 20 years ago….” CultofSol

22. He Casually Showed Me His Large Bank Vault Of Guns


“When I worked as a computer tech I went out to a house call.

I arrived and realized it should have been called an Estate call. The place was senselessly large.

I go to this guy’s office to look at his computer and I needed a pen for something. He opened his desk drawer and asks me if guns made me uncomfortable because he had one in that same drawer. I respond that I think guns are cool. Mild exaggeration.
He proceeds to take me to his gun safe. I’d like this 9x9x9 Bank vault. So many guns it was insane. I was obviously impressed.

He said, ‘Oh, you like this stuff? Check out my gun room.’

I tag along more curious than interested.

Then I see a room that dwarfs any other I’ve seen in a residential building.

There were guns like you wouldn’t believe. 50 cal mounted machine guns, small cannons, like every small arm from the civil war to modern time. Even as a gun novice, I knew enough to be impressed. **** was crazy.” guy0203

21. He Left Her A Massive Tip


“Was in a small size little bar for breakfast in San Francisco. In comes a guy who orders the same as I did: pancakes with coffee. We finish around the same time and I leave my regular 15% tip. Service and the food wasn’t special, but whatever.

I’m a European and I know it’s their salary basically.
But this other guy starts counting his $100 Dollar bills. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine… ten. He smiles, shuffles them together, puts his empty cup on top and leaves.

His bill was about $20 or something. He paid $1000.

I mean I just stayed to witness the reaction from the waitress. She was so happy and started jumping up and down as her colleagues came in wondering what was going on.” mahade

20. He Basically Bought Out The Whole Store


Those kids are definitely spoiled.

“When I worked at a high-end retail store, a guy came in with his two kids who were both around 12-13.

I struck up a conversation with him while helping him grab a new set of luggage and he told his kids, ‘Go get whatever you need for the next few months. Bring it back here to this guy so he can get paid.’
I don’t remember their exact purchase amount but the commission bump on the check was more than my tax return that year. Then when I go to help them take all their things out, the guy announces that he drove his Ferrari convertible so he was gonna have to ‘summon the wicked witch’ AKA call his ex-wife to bring the Porsche so that they could haul all their merchandise off.” MikeOxbigg

19. She Lost Her $100 Chip, So He Gave Her A New One


“I dealt cards for a living.

One day, there is a guy at my table betting $200 on 2 hands (the max at our non-high limit games) and he was losing. A lady walks up, plays a few hands at table minimum and loses and then looks in her purse and starts to freak out. She has lost a $100 chip. She is looking everywhere. All but empties her purse and is very distracting, understandably freaking out.
She sets her purse down to check the floor and the dude stands up, steps behind her with his own $100 chip, drops it in her purse and sits down. Makes eye contact with me that told me he didn’t want me to say anything.

A second later he says I think I saw it in your purse. She checks and it’s there. She is thankful. I was impressed.

Now here is the kicker. He didn’t give a **** that she was unhappy. He cared that she was slowing the game down because she was distracting me and him and he just wanted his money back. He told me this himself after she left. It wasn’t charity, or being nice, or what have you. It was literally just 100 dollars for the sake of expedience.
I guess it’s not the single richest thing I’ve seen anyone do, but the flippant attitude was what really stuck with me.” Witness_me_Karsa

Another User Comments:

“He could have just been saying that and in reality, he saw an opportunity to do something nice but wanted to seem like it was no big deal.” Glorious_Jo

18. He Apologized With Money… And Lots Of It


“I work at a tennis club.

This one guy and his wife came up and we got off on the worst foot.

He rudely complained about the steak he ordered and was just kind of an all-around jerk.

Not long after that, they come back. He must have realized his actions and felt bad because he came up, asked my name and shook my hand and asked if I could deliver a couple of drinks for him and his wife at the pool. When I did he shoved a 20 in my hand. And every time I delivered drinks after that. I think he gave me 80 bucks over the course of the night.
He comes to the register to close his bill, and he says ‘thanks for all your hard work,’ and slips another bill in my hand, but this time it’s $100.

I told him that I couldn’t take it, he’s filled my pockets enough already, seriously it’s fine. I could tell he was distraught enough that he wanted to make up for his behavior before and it seemed he felt the money was the only way to do it. And I’m sure to him tipping me close to $200 was nothing. The look of dejection on his face when I turned down the $00 was something I hadn’t seen before.
Since then he has succeeded in slipping me a 100 a couple of other times without me noticing. I feel bad because all I care about is that he just treats me like a human.

I don’t like just ‘taking’ other people’s money, especially as some form of recompense.” raviolibassist

17. He Didn’t Care That He Left His $1,000 Jacket Behind


“I was at the pub with this guy I worked with years back and we left, walked halfway home and he realized he had left his jacket. He hadn’t left anything in the pockets and said he wasn’t too fussed about getting it. He suggested he might pop in the next day to pick it up, super casual style.
I’m not the kind of person who likes to wait (or leave stuff) so I just basically persuaded him to reluctantly return for it there and then.

We got back to the pub, picked up his jacket and on the walk home we chatted and it transpired that it cost over $1,000, and I nearly stopped breathing in horror on a number of levels. I mean, I lost a cheap hat I got for free once and felt sad for at least a day.

Turns out he was super-wealthy, had no real idea about the value of things in general and only worked as his parents told him he had to.” cardboardshrimp
16. He Purposely Bought The More Expensive Pair Of Shoes


“My group was shopping in town and this one lad wanted to buy a new pair of shoes,  as in specific ones along the lines of the new Yeezys or whatever.

Two shops in town sold them, so we went to both so he could compare prices. One was about a fiver more expensive.

He bought the more expensive pair. His reasoning being ‘they must be better.’ I can’t stress enough how they were literally the same thing! I could understand if he wanted to support a smaller business or even not be bothered to walk back to the other shop (he actually walked back to the expensive one!), but this wasn’t that. He simply convinced himself that spending more for the same thing was somehow better.” LaTaupeAuGuichet
15. She Spent $56 On Lunch For Her Dog


This dog has had a more expensive meal than I’ve ever eaten in my entire life.

“Here is a small example that really stuck with me because of how dumb it was. I helped open a Japanese restaurant in the shops at Bal Harbor, a very high-end mall near Miami.

One of the cooler dishes we had was a steak that came out raw, cut up into slices that you placed on a river stone that was heated to like 400 degrees. It was something like $56, nothing crazy.

This woman came and had lunch by herself and ordered one. After she was done, she ordered one to go. The waiter told her that they couldn’t really make one to go because the whole experience was to cook it on the river stone.

The woman said she didn’t care that the meat was raw because it was for her dog.
She ordered a $56 lunch for her dog.” ThrowaWayneGretzky99

14. He Got Him Fired For Serving His Drink With His Left Hand


“This rich realtor who lives in my area had a staff member fired from a coffee shop because he served the order with his left hand (he was a lefty.) He even threatened to buy the whole establishment as it stands. The owner obliged. The staff member was rehired the moment the rich d*uche left. He still works there and has at times served the same guy with his right hand.

Only shows that he didn’t even see the face of the person serving him.” Dream-monger
Another User Comments:

“In some cultures, it’s considered an insult to shake or offer anything with the left hand. They only use the left hand for wiping their butts after they poop.” brooklyn11218

13. He’d Buy $800 Worth Of Wine And Only Drink A Glass Of It


“While I was a waiter at a restaurant, we had a guy come in during lunch and order some ******** $18 sandwich and an $800 bottle of wine. Drink a glass of it, and leave a tip for 20% of $818 and the rest of the bottle for the waiter.

He did this twice a month for years. It was awesome because I was able to wait on him quite a bit and always brought home 3/4 of a bottle of some fancy a*s wine to the wife. That dude basically paid for my books through 4 years of college, to be honest.” HellooNewmann
12. His Grandpa Was Willing To Buy A $80,000 Car Out Of The Blue


“I have a friend who comes from a wealthy family and I once went over to have a meal with him and his grandparents. My friend was on his phone and then looks up and said to his grandpa, ‘There’s a new Lexus out.’ His grandpa said he didn’t really need a new car; he has a modest little Honda he gets about in.

My friend then said, ‘It’s only 80 grand.’ His grandpa put his glasses on and was like, ‘Oh right, let me have a look.’ ‘Only 80 grand’ is just one of the most ridiculous things I’ve ever heard. They’re sweet people, just a little out of touch with the average joe.” Toomauz
11. They Casually Took A Plane Every Weekend


Meanwhile, many of us can’t even afford to make long, weekly trips by car.

“My aunt’s parents owned a mansion on the Bridle Path (Toronto’s wealthiest neighborhood, Drake’s just moved in), as well as a 100-acre horse farm north of the city, and large chunks of property in Muskoka.

Just an unreal amount of **** you money.

They had 4 adult children whom they all gifted a cottage, then put aside waterfront cottage lots for all of their grandchildren, then sold off a plot every year for ***** and giggles in addition to owning a peninsula themselves.
But the richest thing I ever witnessed these folks do was just fly to and from their farm to the cottage every weekend. The cottage was an hour away by car from the farm, but the cottage was also only accessible by water. So rather than drive up, park their car at one of their 4 kids cottages, or even the local marina and take a 5-minute boat ride over to their place, they flew in every weekend.” riotnurse

10. His Wife’s Outrageous Tipping Habits Doesn’t Phase Him


“Me and my girlfriend found a pretty great deal on a 5-star hotel.

A small character one with 24 rooms in Victoria BC. We were sitting having a complimentary breakfast. We overheard a couple chatting and the husband was apparently looking at the finances. And asked why his wife did a 1000$ tip. After a long moment of silence, she said there was a waiter that was trying to make his way in Edmonton all by himself and she felt sorry for him and wanted to help him out. He just grunted and went back to his newspaper. Apparently she does this lots.” moose10101
9. They Were Infuriated That We Didn’t Have What They Wanted On The Menu


“I have worked in many restaurants as a waiter, nothing too fancy, but good enough so that rich people that frequent the Michelin restaurants in the area drop by some times.

The worst customers I have had are some of these rich ******** who get seated and refuse to look at the menu and want as little to do with me as possible. They want to order a filet mignon or some other fancy meat dish with red wine sauce etc., a really specific wine that they tasted while they where visiting French vineyards.
I tell them that we can’t serve the food or wine they have requested. They then stand up and yell at me and proclaim that this restaurant is **** and they can’t seem to understand why their friends or someone they now have recommended this restaurant and then leave the building while making a big scene for everyone to watch.

How the **** can I serve them a filet mignon and French wine when I work for an Italian-inspired seafood restaurant with handpicked and self imported Italian wines? Rich *******.*..” oamo

8. She Got A Nose Job… In High School


“In high school, my best friend was extremely self-conscious about her looks. She’d try all these different fad diets and the like to get skinny, even though she was already really thin and pretty. But her biggest pet peeves was her nose.
A couple of months later, I stopped seeing her in school. Out of concern, I called her up to see how’s she doing.

Turns out she got a nose job. That was the first time I realized that there was a different breed of people. Poor people like me just have to be content with my mediocre face. Rich people? Not bound by the same rules.” Guest2424

7. They Felt Entitled To Cook In Our Commercial Kitchen


“I worked for a seasonal hotel in a resort in Alaska for a couple of summers. One day, during the dinner rush, this large Indian family came in for dinner and asked if their women could go into the kitchen to prepare their meal.
Our hostess was woefully unprepared for this kind of request, so she got our GM and Chef to talk with them.

Apparently, for some sort of religious thing, their food had to be prepared a certain way and while they brought it all with them, and they had no way to cook it in their hotel rooms.

Only 1 of the younger guys spoke English; the rest didn’t. They were insisting they be let into the kitchen to cook, despite our GM and Chef’s obvious insistence no. The patriarch of the family began screaming what I’m sure was Indian obscenities, while the younger guy exasperatedly tried to translate. Something about them spending tons of money to come here and not be treated like this and so on.

Eventually a compromise was reached to where the younger guy and one of the elderly Indian women would be allowed back into the kitchen but only to instruct our head chef and sous chef in how they wanted their meal prepared, and with our in-house ingredients minus a few of their spices/seasonings that we didn’t stock. I’m sure even that violated some health code, but hey anything for the customer right?” VitaAeterna

6. She Made Them Mix Her Wine


Mixing two different wines together is a thing?!

“One of my friends that I graduated from college with has some pretty rich parents and I was invited to join them for a celebratory dinner.

The restaurant itself wasn’t over the top extravagant but I certainly couldn’t afford to eat there then nor now.
When it came to ordering drinks, my friend’s parents asked everyone at the table (I think there were six or seven of us total) what type of wine they preferred. They then ordered six bottles of various wine ranging somewhere between 60 and 90 dollars per bottle… and then it happened.

My friend’s mom then exclaims that she prefers a blend of wine x and wine y. She orders two more $80 bottles of wine and has them mix them for her.

I was not aware people mixed their wines together up until this point and it was baffling that they had money to spend in such a way.” Ustaznar
5. He Took A Private Jet To See Her For A Brief Moment


This guy is a keeper, and it’s not because of his money or his access to a private jet.

“A work friend was engaged to a guy who’s family had a lot of oil money. We were opening a new location in Dallas and having an opening party. He could not make it to the party because he was on a business trip to California. She told him it was a silly work party and not to worry about it.

Halfway through the party, a limo pulled up, he got out, handed her some flowers and kissed her. He got back into the limo and left. He took a private jet from California to Dallas, a limo to the party, a limo back to the airport and took the private jet back to Californian.

4. She Didn’t Care What Her Husband Thought About Her Spending Habits


“I sell antiques.

Silverware, brassware, optical stuff, ivory, pens, knives, razors, cigarette lighters, old boxes, sewing machines…all kinds of stuff. Whatever I can find that I know enough about and think I can make something on.

Anyway, about 1-2 times a year, I take my stuff to antiques shows/fairs around town. They usually last 6 – 8 hours, and if you get a few hundred people walking past, you can usually make SOMETHING.

This lady walks past with her friend. She buys a pen and a writing case (about $400 for both items).

‘What’s that!?’

*points to tiny, tiny silver box*

‘It’s a vinaigrette. Georgian silver. 1823. $350.00.’

‘I’ll buy that if you can do it a bit better…’

We settled on a price. She’s about to leave and she spots something else.

‘Oh, what’s that!?’

*points to a long, slender silver item, about eight inches in length*

“It’s a toothbrush case.’

‘It’s a WHAT!?’

‘Toothbrush case. Sterling silver. 1910. $350.00.’

‘I’ll buy that too!’

Her friend: ‘Your husband is going to kill you!’

‘**** him! How often do you see something like this!? Here, take it!’

*She throws money at me, snatches up the silver case and walks off*

All up, I’d made about $1,000 in about five minutes.” BunnyMan87
3. She Put Soup In Her Louis Vuitton Bag


The fact that she wanted to see the manager after SHE willingly put the soup in her own bag is beyond me.

“Worked at a grocery store in uppity Gold Coast Chicago when I was a teen.

We sold soup for lunch and when bagging them, we put it in a paper bag followed by a plastic bag to make sure it’s secure.

Lady buys a soup, I proceed to bag the soup and she says: ‘No, I’ll just put it in my bag.’

I say: ‘Ma’am are you sure?’

Mind you she has a Louis Vuitton bag that looks brand spanking new.

15 minutes later she comes in raging that she has minestrone all over her Louis Vuitton and demands to speak to a manager. I shake my head.” jkeemi
Another User Comments:

“The correct thing to do is to apologize and say you have to double bag but they’re free to remove it immediately after the transaction is completed.

That way your butt is covered and the error is clearly theirs.” NoYoureACatLady

2. She Let Me Borrow Three Of Her Cars When Mine Was In The Shop


“Don’t work at any high-class restaurants or hotels, but I currently live in an old yet nice and comfy apartment in Giza (around 20 minutes from the pyramids complex). The landlady is a very nice old lady, probably in her 60s, and is filthy, filthy, filthy rich.
Last year my car had to be repaired after a minor crash for more than a week, and when the landlady found out from the doormen about my situation, she sent one of her English-speaking maids to give me car keys for a BMW 520i, Mercedes-Benz S600, and a brand new Land Cruiser.

‘The madam insists you use her car until yours is repaired.’

I was shocked, of course, and asked her if she still could get around with her lending this many cars to me. ‘No to worry, madam has 12 cars in al-Qahirah.’ Okay, I guess… I ended up only using the Land Cruiser because it’s the cheapest one. (I think.)” ezadskoo
1. Her Wallet Was Loaded… At The Age OF 15


“I was on a date with a girl, a Chinese exchange student from my school. Really cute, really shy, really smart. We were both 15. We went to Chinatown to eat lunch together, and I had about 25 dollars in my wallet to get food and then just walk around sightseeing and talking, maybe do a little shopping and get something cute.

We go to pay for our meal, (~20 dollars in total) and she tells me she’ll get it. I’m like, okay, sure, that’s sweet. Maybe I can buy her a plush toy later. She opens her wallet and literally pulls out a hundred dollar bill and hands it to the cashier. She had MULTIPLE in her wallet, next to two credit cards. I think my brain straight up malfunctioned for a moment.
We’re both FIFTEEN. NO ADULT PROTECTION. I literally spent the rest of the date expecting to get mugged. Who the **** brings upwards of 300 dollars on a low-key lunch date??? At fifteen???

Turns out her family is SUPER rich, which is why they can afford to send their daughter to a private school in the US.

They fly over every school break she has, buy a bunch of souvenirs, and go back home to China. This girl was really talented and smart, but we were in totally separate financial worlds.” TiredCanine

It’s incredible what having a lot of money can do to people. Some wealthy individuals take their own wealth for granted, act entitled, and take poor care of their belongings while others use their money to help those who are less privileged than they are. We’ve witnessed a good mix of both types of individuals in the previous stories, that’s for sure.
Something we can learn from these rich individuals is that sharing is caring.

That said, please share these stories with your friends!

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