Parents Share The Moment They Realized They Raised A Monster


Bringing a child into the world is an indescribable feeling. You’ll never know where their journey will take them. You could be raising a future Oscar winner, a groundbreaking scientist, or the next President. The only thing you’ll know is that you’ll be a critical part of their life. We know that children have the tendency to do some pretty irrational things from time to time. It can range from throwing mud at the new couch or accidentally spraying their grandma with water. For them, it’s a simple learning process. When they’re told something is bad early on, they’ll avoid doing it again in the future. If something they love is on the line, they tend to be quick about changing their behavior.

Some kids, however, will take pride in their devious attitude. With the attention it brings, they’ll continue doing it more and more. It suddenly becomes a part of their DNA. They’ll brag about their actions to their friends at school. Over time, it’s enough to have their parents simply go into hiding. Sometimes, professionals might need to intervene in order to set things straight. Several people discuss the turning point in finding out their own flesh and ***** were pure evil.

Fortunately, some of these children grew out of their wicked ways to lead normal lives. For some, they’re busy raising wild children of their own. It’s almost like seeing their past self during any sort of incident. Luckily, they’ve learned how to stop the insanity from their own upbringing.
42. He Called 911 And Said Mom Slapped Him


“My 11 yr old son recently called 911 and said I slapped him. CPS came, it was a cluster. It was so well orchestrated, he even took a picture of himself with a red mark on his face. I didn’t slap him and it eventually got debunked although he still won’t admit it.

A couple of months later, he told his dad I forced him to make the ol’ dirty 2 finger licking gesture, take a pic and send it to him.

He lives with his dad now and isn’t allowed here until I can afford a camera system. Still unclear on a motive.” bluedyou

41. She Had Her Mom Go In For A Second Surgery


“Not the mom, but the aunt. Sister’s older girl is a saint, but the little one is a psychopath and sister and brother-in-law indulge every crazy behavior of hers.

One of the worst was last year when one of my sister’s ureter (the tube that connects the kidney to the bladder) broke and she had to get a tube from her kidney, out of her body and to a bag, while said ureter healed.

She was pretty ill and was in the hospital for a bit more than a month.

Anyways, the second night she’s back home, the little **** PULLS the tube out of my sister’s kidney, requiring her to get an emergency surgery. Little ***’s* excuse? She KNEW doing that would hurt mommy, but she (my sister) was getting SO MUCH attention from daddy since she got home…the attention she (the little ***)* deserves more.

The worst part is that my sister and brother-in-law thought that was cute. The crazy part is that my older niece would have never gotten away with something like that, so I don’t really get why they spoiled the younger one so much.

I know she’s my niece, but I just can’t see past those behaviors and like her… she’s 6 btw.” kashmira_noman

40. He Kept Saying He Would Call CPS


“My brother used to threaten to call CPS. My dad grabbed the phone book, circled the number and tossed it to him. Said when you make that call you’ll never come back in this house again. Told him he could go live in a group home if that’s what he wanted. That put a stop to it.” Doub1eAA
39. This Child Is Infatuated With Graveyards


“Not a monster, but super creepy. My 5-year-old is obsessed with cemeteries.

He would rather clean off headstones than go to a children’s museum. One day we are driving and he pipes up from the back seat to tell me, ‘The people in the cemetery took care of me before I was born.’ Another time he is playing outside and runs to the front door, shovel in hand to ask where the dog is buried because he needs to ‘observe her bones.'” deegadee
38. A Child That Loves Destruction


“My youngest, let’s call him Gregory, is now 4. His big brother, let’s call him Al, is turning 7 soon. From the time Gregory could move under his own power, he would actively seek out whatever Al was playing with and destroy it.

He was a tiny meat missile that fired itself, without fail, every time he spotted a valid target.

Al’s building a city with Mega Blocks? Greg is there to destroy. Al’s racing Hotwheels on his tracks? Greg is there to destroy. Al is making dirt mounds in the yard with his construction toys? You get the idea. The kid was hell-f*cking-bent on ruining everything his brother was interested in.

Al, a very sweet kid who’s on the spectrum, usually just looked to my wife and me every time, with this defeated, but accepting, look on his face. It was like something out of a comic strip or tv show.

Al christened him ‘Destruction Gregory.’

I was an only child, so I usually had no idea how to deal with it, so I mostly deferred to my wife, who is the oldest of 4 kids.

I guess she’s done ok in that regard, thankfully, because now that he’s older, he’s stopped being super destructive, albeit still a bit of a cheeky prankster. I dread when ‘Destruction Gregory’ reaches the teen years. He’s going to be the first (and hopefully only) one of my kids that I get a call at 3 am about some prank he’s pulled or property he’s destroyed, no doubt.

I’d bet my life savings on it.” Legionx37

37. Laughing At Mom While She Is Crying


“Years ago, my wife and I had a very heated argument. Our daughter overhears us and comes into the room just as things hit their peak. My wife rushes into the bathroom crying. I’m left sitting on the bed feeling low, listening to my wife sob on the other side of the door. Our daughter looks up at me with a smile and says ‘Mommy’s crying’ and proceeds to laugh loud enough for mom to hear. And with that, I was in trouble for something entirely new.” PallidaCulus
36. Not Sure When He Turned Into This Monster…


“Before my son could crawl he learned how to climb the extra tall baby gate.

Before he could walk he climbed the window sill. Before he could run he climbed the bunk bed. Before he could open an applesauce container he learned how to unlock the front door. I’m not sure what moment made me think ‘yep. He’s a monster.’

It might have been when I almost witnessed Harambe 2. I ducked down for ten seconds to tie his sister’s shoe and when I looked up he had one leg over the barrier ready to go say hello. He’s 2 by the way.
Or it might have been when I resigned myself to the leash. I brought it home, prepared for the protests.

Instead, he declared himself a puppy dog, made his siblings play police with him for two hours while he ‘sniffed out the bad guys’ then gleefully showed me how easy it was for him to take the **** thing off.

I give up guys.’ Auntie_Ahem
35. She Wouldn’t Give Me Money For Milk…


“Teaching my kid the value of money, we’d give her tuck shop/snack money in the day and we later found out she was just giving it away, not understanding the value of money at all.

A few long deep conversations where I hate to admit I became a capitalist poster boy and she starts to understand that money has a value, how hard it can be to get and that it’s even harder to keep.

Fast forward to a few weeks later, We run out of milk and I only have my card and no cash on me, plus our local shop will only now accept card purchases over £10.00. So I figure I’ll ask my darling angel little girl if I can borrow £1 for milk and put it back tomorrow.

No. ‘

No, you can’t have my money daddy. I earned it and you need to learn the responsibility that money doesn’t just fall from the sky and you can’t just go around giving everything away as pretty soon you’ll have nothing.’

I suck at parenting.” Ninja7869

34. This Girl Loves Escaping Timeout


“When my daughter was naughty as a preschooler we used to put her in the kitchen for a timeout.

We had a safety gate on the doorway and as long as nothing was cooking in there it was like a holding pen for her. Well, she started to ask to go to the toilet as soon as she was put in there. At first, she was allowed to go but pretty soon it became clear she was just using the toilet excuse to get out of the timeout early. The first time I told her she could go to the toilet after timeout (which usually only lasted a few minutes) she proceeded to pee on the kitchen floor in retaliation.

She has a terrible temper. She’s 15 now it’s still there. Living with her is like being in an abusive relationship.” thewestisawake
33. Using Everything As A Toilet


“At about 15 months old, my daughter was beginning her potty training phase. She discovered that we liked it when she peed in the potty-to which she immediately decided the potty could be replaced by any container she could find. The next day, she delicately removed all the clothes from her dresser drawer, pulled out the drawer, then sat and peed in said drawer. I’d never thought I’d pour pee out of a dresser drawer before.

Two months later, she stacked toys on top of her high chair and climbed Mount Dangerous to get to the top of the fridge, where I was keeping a box of red velvet cake mix. She mixed it with water, ate some, decided she didn’t like it and began to rub it into her carpet… her very white carpet(rental home).

She’s 9 now. She’s still nuts.” r3cru1t
32. He Would Hit His Sister Every Chance He Got


“My 8-year-old son had gotten a plastic baseball bat from me and my wife. This plastic baseball bat wasn’t just some weak plastic, it actually was pretty hard.

Well, one day I walk outside to see my younger 5-year-old daughter screaming and running from my 8-year-old son who is holding the baseball bat and whacking her wherever he can, he was wearing my jeans, had a bandana on and a baseball cap on backward. He kept calling himself a cool kid and wouldn’t stop wHacking her.
I ran over and stopped him and my wife took our daughter inside to get an ice pack. I took the bat away and asked him why he was hitting her, and I repeat exactly what he said: ‘Because I’m a cool kid and cool kids show their siblings who’s the leader, daddy.’ He got grounded for a week and after he was done with the grounding he told me he was very sorry.

He wasn’t finished though.
A month later I find him running around with a plastic sword in a ninja costume from last Halloween and whacking my daughter again! I ran over, stopped him, my daughter ran off, and when I asked him why he hit her this time he said: ‘Because it’s fun.’ He got grounded for a very long time, and I realized then he needed counseling. He is now 20 and my daughter is 17, my son had come over for dinner one night and somehow that was brought up, he denied the entire thing even though before that he said he remembered counseling! I just hope he doesn’t raise his newborn son to be a karate master or a gunslinger.” AdUdEiNaMoOoD
31. The Ladies Can’t Resist Him


“I was picking my son up from daycare the other day.

I’ve always known he’s a bit of a flirt, but I got to see it in full action. One of his teachers came to give him a hug, and he brushed her off at first then gave her such a big hug after she worked for it a bit. She was all happy about getting her hug and escalated it into swinging him around and tickling him. He was going for just that though, I could tell. He knew exactly how to get what he wanted from her. He’s 3. I was watching and just realizing this kid knows he’s cute, likes attention from girls, and he isn’t afraid to use his looks to get it.

I’m in trouble when he hits his teen years. . .” ****************
30. Washing Their Mouth With Soap


“When my son was about ten he said the F word. My wife had warned him about cursing and told him they are going to solve this the old fashion way…he will have to bite down on a bar of soap to wash his mouth out.

She told me at the moment she said it, he jumped up from our kitchen table, ran to the sink and starting squirting into his mouth/eating every kitchen liquid or soap he could get his hands on. As a result, he started gagging and coughing up but kept going yelling at my wife (aka his sweet mother) stuff like, ‘IS THIS WHAT YOU WANT!?!’ And, ‘DO YOU LIKE THIS?’
My wife managed to get him out of there and send him to his room.

She doesn’t threaten the wash your mouth out w/ soap punishment anymore. The little monster won.” CapturedDarkness
29. Tearing Apart Barbie Dolls


“Every year for Christmas, my husband and I would buy our daughter the latest Holiday Barbie. (They were very expensive, but she loved getting them.) Barbie would be wearing an elaborate and beautiful dress, based on the Christmas theme for that year. We got them for her hoping she could maybe start a collection. However, under no circumstances were the Barbies to be taken out of their boxes.
One evening, I went to get her to come to the table. I heard her splashing around in her tub, so I thought she was taking a bath.

As I knocked and opened the door, I saw that she wasn’t in the tub. I got closer and there she was, with all of the expensive Holiday Barbies, naked, with their heads pulled off, floating in the tub. I quietly backed out of the room. To this day, I don’t know what the **** was going on.” Andygibb0305
28. Ignoring His Own Teammate


“My son is in soccer and this season he has a kid on his team that seems a bit nerdy/awkward. He says hi to my son at every game and my son blatantly ignores the kid, won’t even look at him or say hi.

It makes me cringe and I’ve tried repeatedly to explain to my son how psychologically damaging it can be to treat another person that way and that he can be nice and just say hi, that doesn’t mean he has to be best friends with the kid. It’s so strange cause my son is normally super polite to everyone and very empathetic. So maybe not a monster, but it still bothers me to see my son behave that way.” BicameralProf
27. Everyone Is Barney To This Boy


“We went to a petting zoo with my then 3-year-old boy. Barney, the giant purple dinosaur, made an appearance.

Barney was an intimidating beast standing at 7ft tall and very, very wide. My boy was anxious at first but then went in for a hug. I was proud.

Later in the day, we gathered around a feeding demonstration. I was holding my boy and stood in the small crowd of people watching at the show. Then my boy got very excited and started shouting, ‘Barney, Barney, Barneeey!’ all the while pointing over my shoulder. I turned, expecting to see the purple dinosaur but instead, I came almost face to face with a very large woman. Very large and wearing a t-shirt exactly the same color as Barney.

My boy was still pointing in her face and shouting ‘Barney!’ He gave zero *****.” unknownleft
26. Making A Scene In Public


“When my son decided-in the grocery store parking lot-that it would be fun to scream: ‘YOU’RE NOT MY MOMMY! WHERE’S MY MOMMY? YOU’RE NOT MY REAL MOM!’ He had this evil smirk on his face as I panicked and tried to explain what could happen if someone heard that. He started yelling it louder. I told him that if someone heard that and called the police, I’d go to jail and I wouldn’t ever see him again and he wouldn’t have a mommy anymore…that didn’t work.

So I said, ‘Dude seriously. They’d take you from me, you’d get put in a different family and I’d spend my entire life in prison and die a lonely death.’ He yelled it louder. So I threatened that if he said it one more time, he wouldn’t get a toy from the grocery store EVER again. He stopped after that. Selfish brat.” Iceicemickey
25. Defending His Brother


“I have two sons, aged 7 and 11. My older son is autistic. We went to a play at a park in another town and my older son went on the swings, a few minutes later a group of slightly older boys had pretty much surrounded him, but they weren’t talking to him or about him.

I’m sure they were just trying to intimidate him but he was oblivious so I decided to just keep an eye on the situation. My 7-year-old saw what was happening, got off the climbing frame and asked me if those boys were trying to bully my older son. I replied that I didn’t know, but I’m watching the situation and had made it clear that I’m here. My younger son said: ‘I’m not having that.’ He walked over and put himself between my son and the boys and straight up stared them down. They were double his size and maybe 6 of them.

I’ve never seen him so fearless. They ended up leaving. He came to me afterward and asked me why his brother didn’t notice that they were trying to bother him so I explained. That kid isn’t scared of anything!” mimidaler
24. Shocking Everyone At The Softball Game


“My daughter is competitive. I raised her the best way I could, so she was a rough and tumble kinda kid. She suddenly took to softball as a teen, and asked to play. She didn’t just play. She dominated. And as she got older, she grew stronger. At 16, she was built, and strong. Stronger than me.

Her sophomore year, in high school. They’re playing a league rival. It’s a close game. My kid is behind the plate. Late innings, we’re down a run. My kid squirts a single into left field. The next batter lines a shot over the second baseman. My kid gets to second. There’s 1 out. Next, the batter pops a skyrocket out to right field. The moment I saw it go up I knew what was going to happen. My kid readies herself for the tag up. The catch is made, my kid takes off. The right fielder doesn’t get good footing and takes an extra step before throwing to third.

It’s off target. The third baseman hops over to get the ball when I see that my kid hasn’t slid. She was cornering. She rounded that base, the catcher dropped her mask and screamed for ‘home!!’ The throw was way ahead. My daughter was at full velocity when she shoulder rushed that poor, skinny catcher. The impact made the entire group of spectators gasp. I mean she ******* decimated this girl. Just folded her like some warm laundry. The ragdoll just crushed, as my kid (legally, with arms tucked) drove her back a solid 10 feet. The ball was in her glove.

Unfortunately, the glove had landed several feet off the on-deck circle. Silence. I was completely sure I had just witnessed a murder. And my kid was a real psychopath.

My kid hops up, and immediately cradles the catcher and starts screaming for help. She was completely hysterical and bawling. The coaches rushed the field and tend to the girl. She was gasping but was ok. Just had the wind knocked out. She would leave the game. My kid was safe and not considered in the wrong. But she refused to re-enter the game. They won that game. In spectacular fashion. So I’m told.

We left. She took some time away from softball. But went back.

I think she’ll make an amazing coach someday.” instant_ramen_chef
23. Getting Too Into Horror Films


“When my son was 7 I decided to let him watch Halloween 2, as it was on AMC and I know the parts he shouldn’t watch. He’s always been into spooky stuff and at 12 is now a horror movie fanatic. There was a scene where Michael is stalking Laurie while she’s trying to get into the hospital and as he is closing in on her, my son leans up on the edge of his seat and just whispers in the creepiest voice he’s ever made in all 7 of his years ‘get her….get her…’ It sent chills up my spine and shut down 31 days of horror at our house.” bigb4134
22. Stealing Cash From Mom And Dad


“When my sons were 12 and 13 the older one stole $600 from my wife and I.

He gave the younger one half. When they were caught and everything was said and done the younger son told us that we didn’t have the right to take ‘his’ money from him because he didn’t steal it. That was when I knew. Now ages 19 and 20, the older son has long grown out of it. The younger one has never stopped stealing and lying. Before moving out he told me that he has always resented me for locking things up and, I’m quoting him here, ‘not letting me take whatever I want from you.’ It amazes me because we raised all four of our kids the same way and the other two have always been good kids and kind-hearted.

Oh well” 11312048
21. Avoiding A New Language


“He got frustrated one day because my husband’s family from Norway was visiting, and his little cousins were speaking too fast for him to understand. French is our kid’s primary language, but we’re both attempting to teach him English and Norwegian too. He’s three, and since his exposure to it is basically his father and grandmother, his Norwegian in understandably really not that good (he speaks in single words, basically.) He breaks out with this as a response:

‘You’re in France! Learn to speak French! Norway is stupid, and no one cares!’

I know I shouldn’t have, but he sounded so indignant I started laughing.

Then he glared at me.

‘No one likes America either, mommy!’

And that’s when I realized, as much as I tried not to, I was raising a true Parisian.” 2354PK

20. She Wanted To Hurt The Baby, Even If It Meant Going To Jail


“After being a bit too aggressive with her baby sister, my wife and I had a little chat with our 3-year-old girl. We kinda derailed and talked about how people can go to jail for hurting other people…(not our best moment). Then our sweet daughter asked:

‘If I hurt the baby will I go to jail?’

We replied, ‘Well I guess you could.’

‘And Daddy, if you hurt the baby will you go to jail?’

‘Yes, I could.’

‘And Mommy, would you go to jail if you hurt the baby?’

‘Yes, that could happen.’

To which she replied, seeming so proud of herself, ‘Then we’d all be together again!'” mattdsimmonds
19. He Wanted To Open Up An Innocent Duck To See How It “Works”


“I have two sons. One is 11 and the other 7.

The 7-year-old is…special. Highly intelligent and very social. But also does a lot of deep thinking. Early one Sunday morning he came up to me, out of the blue, and said: ‘Dad, how do ducks work?’ I was all, ‘How do what? What? Ducks? Huh?’ in a half sleep state. Before I could work out what he wanted to know he said: ‘I guess if I open one up, I’ll find out?’ He walked away.

Honestly spent a good hour looking for ducks and watched him carefully when he went near the kitchen utensils.” GaryGronk

18. Choosing The Nursing Home For Dad


“When my son was 13 or 14, we were chatting about how as kids get older, and parents become elderly, often the kids become a caregiver to some degree to the parent.

My son offhandedly remarked that he’d be looking for the cheapest nursing home at which to park me. Skinflint b*stard.” shugerbooger
17. Satisfied With Their Own Trampoline


“My three-year-old was given a small fisher price trampoline for his birthday. It’s like three feet in diameter. A few months later, we got invited to take him to Sky Zone, which is a giant indoor warehouse that is wall to wall trampolines. It’s ******* awesome. So my wife turns to my son and says, ‘Hey buddy, do you want to go to the trampoline place?’

Without missing a beat, my kid rolls his eyes at her, jerks his thumb towards the fisher price one, and says, in the most condescending tone a three-year-old could muster, ‘I have one.'” somberleaves

16. This Child Wants Cash For Their Cat


“We had our young cat ‘fixed” and she just slept and rested all day after coming back from the vet’s.

My 11 yr old son asked very concernedly, after watching the cat lying around all day: ‘Do you think she is sad because she can’t have babies?’ (awww…so sweet). My 7 yr old son asked: ‘So, if she doesn’t recover, would we get a cash settlement?'” loveandrubyshoes
15. Torturing Dad Through A Game


“Playing Dungeons and Dragons with my 11-year-olds. After knocking out a goblin they decide to cast spare the dying, which stabilizes them. This was so they could torture him for information. If he gets knocked out again, they would keep stabilizing and reviving him.” RoboNinjaPirate
14. She Knows How To Get Her Way


“My two-year-old daughter would see a kid in a store playing with something she wanted and say, ‘Your mom’s looking for you.’ Every time, the other kid would walk away from the toys and she would get to play with them.

At 3, we were at a pool with older kids. She told me she wanted the pool to herself. She walked over and asked who was the tallest because tallest was in charge. The kids jumped out of the pool to measure each other and fight. She got the pool to herself.

She’s 9 and sweet now, or she has me believing that anyway.” AleredEgo
13. Her Kids Were Way Too Excited For The Liquor Store


“Day before Thanksgiving I’m at the grocery store with my kids who are then 6, 3 and 1. Everyone is ready to be done for the day and we have 1 more stop to make; I need rum to make a cake.

The scene: the canned foods aisle where everyone and their dog is jostling for green bean casserole supplies.
My oldest: ‘Can we go home after this?’

Me: ‘Almost. After this, we have to go to the liquor store.’

My oldest: ‘The liquor store? What’s that?!’

Me (as every judgmental biddy turns and looks at the too young woman with way too many kids): ‘It’s a place we need to go and please don’t say that so loud.’

My oldest smiles, I can see the wheels turning in her head as she looks me dead in the eye and screams: ‘LIQUOR STORE!!’

My middle kid follows her lead and yells ‘LIQUOR STORE!’

So I just ran with it.

‘Yep! The liquor store!’

My kids are ******** and I love them.” justme_allthetime
12. She Was Kicking Strangers At The Bank


“I was at the bank and I heard the guy at the other teller say, ‘That kid just kicked me.’ I looked around and I was the only person who had a kid in there. Turns out, my four-year-old daughter kicked him because he was a stranger and ‘strangers are bad.’

Another time we were riding the train at Disneyland (I think she was 6 or 7) back to the main gate to go back to our hotel because she was cranky and needed a nap.

Apparently, her revenge to this was to cower under one of the benches and say, ‘Don’t hit me, Mommy!’ I never hit her in her life. We were only leaving the Toontown station when she did it, so I had quite a long ride while the lady across from me sat with her three kids and stared daggers at me the whole way.

She’s 22 and going to graduate magna cum laude in a few weeks. But childhood was rough.” Shaydie
11. Playing Superhero With Dad


“I got my son into superheroes pretty early and he’s currently 4. He’s seen most of the Marvel movies (about a third of all the films, usually the big fights) and loves Thanos and Hulk.

He likes to play fight but he’s a tall, tall boy. 99th percentile for his age. He’s quite strong too.

So one day my 3-year-old was fighting with me which usually involved him hitting and tickling me while I tried to tickle him back or pin him down. Just roughhousing. This day made me realize the error of my ways. My son ran behind while I was laying on my stomach which usually meant he would hop on my back and try to tickle me.

I didn’t realize he had climbed onto the couch until he yelled “HUUUUUULK, SMAAAAASH” and leaped from it, landing on top of me and smashing his fists down onto my spine.” deleted

10. He Jammed A Stick Underneath A Kid’s Face Mask 


“My 6 y/o was playing lacrosse yesterday and I noticed him chirping at a kid from the opposite team.

All of a sudden, my little angel jammed his stick up underneath the kid’s face mask and then kicked him in the shins so he fell over. I wasn’t impressed, but I asked him why he did that to give him the benefit of the doubt. He told me the kid had taken the ball from him earlier in the game.

Little *****.*

I marched him over to the other kid’s parent and made him apologize profusely.” N0vember5th
9. He Was Sniping Kids With A BB Gun


“I came home from work to a note that said: ‘Dear Dad, Happy Fathers Day. I’m sorry for shooting people with the BB Gun.

I ran away.’ Apparently, he had been sniping neighbor kids from our second story apartment until someone saw him and called the cops.” TK_42one
8. Waking Daddy Up With A Slap


“It was becoming crystal clear from the time he was one and a half. There’s a video of he and I playing with each other and then I pretended to go to sleep on the floor. While videotaping it my wife says: ‘Uh oh, Daddy fell asleep,’ and then you can clearly see him thinking while hovering over me. Then he slaps the crap out of my face. Just an old-school **** slap.

Nothing he was ever taught, just something he knew to do on his own.
There was a similar incident right around that same time, where I was taking a nap in bed, or trying to anyway. My eyes were closed but I haven’t fallen asleep yet. He totaled over to me wanting my attention, but mom said I was asleep and needed to leave me alone. Even poked me in the eye to make me wake up.” Link-to-the-Pastiche
7. Their Kids Love Hiding Things


“I mean, my daughter is 3 and my son is 2 so you can’t say anything bad yet. My son hates people.

Anyone but me or my wife try to touch him he freaks out like they beat him with a shovel. And my daughter LOVES to say no. If she has something she’s not supposed to have and you say, ‘Can I have that please?’ She’ll walk up to your face and scream, ‘NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!’ and hide it behind her back making you wrestle for it. I guess that’s the age though it’s tough to tell if they are ‘monsters’ yet because, in my opinion, all kids that age are ‘monsters’ since they haven’t learned yet.” StevenwxyzGames
6. Continuously Biting A Poor Child


“My wife and I had to sign an incident report at daycare 2 months ago:

‘This afternoon, the adults were in the play area at the end of nap time as we usually are when there are only a handful of remaining children sleeping.

A scream from the nap room was heard and we opened the door and found Spag4Spag Jr. leaning over a child having just bit him in the face. Spag4Spag Jr. was hovering over the crying child and saying, ‘Shhhhh.’

Apparently, my son only bites this one child on a regular basis. Poor kid. My son would have had to wake up, crawl through a maze of sleeping children in the pitch dark to find his target, and quietly lean over and bite the kid in the face.” spag4spag

5. Making Threats For Food


“My girl was about 4. She climbed into my lap, grabbed my ears and dug her face into mine.

‘Make the mac and cheese.’ I started laughing. She grabbed harder and dug her face in more: ‘Do it. Or I’ll kill you.’

Tiny but fierce.

(She didn’t get the mac and cheese.)” not_very_tasty
4. Trying To Get Attention


“We had a contractor out to potentially do some work on our kitchen. While discussing things, in comes my gregarious 4-year-old daughter with her face thickly coated with make-up. My wife and I look over in shock and quickly try not to make attention of it. Daughter soon leaves. 10 minutes later she comes busting back into the room in nothing but a bathing suit and goes into full song…we are speechless.

The contractor is trying to keep a straight face. We’re all standing there for what seemed like an hour. Thankfully we were basically all done and he left.

I hope this isn’t our future!” clayphish

3. Making A Mess In The Bed


“My 3 y/o wanted to sleep in my bed. I said no and sent him to his room…5 minutes later he comes back and says he can’t sleep on his bed because it’s peed on. I said, ‘no it’s not.’ He said: ‘Yes it is. I just peed on it like this.’ He then stands up and shows me how he basically hosed his bed down.'” lissie_ar
2. Interrupting A Shower Break


“When I was taking a shower and he wanted me to get him something he could have easily gotten himself.

When I finally yelled: ‘OH MY GOD GET OUT THIS ISN’T NORMAL I’M IN THE SHOWER YOU CAN WAIT’! He kept b*tching…he flushed the toilet so my water got super cold. Animal.” random_ass_girl
1. Anticipating His Next Meal


“We took our son to Red Lobster. He was 5 at the time. He wanted to try lobster and liked it, and my wife and I were glad he was being an adventurous eater. On the way out, he went over to the lobster tank, tapped on the glass, and manically cackled: ‘I’ll eat you next time!'” Ray_Band
Aren’t those some interesting stories to share with these kids when they get older? I sure think they are.

Which one did you enjoy the most?

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