Family Pit Bull Is 175 Pounds, But He Still Has Bubble Baths With Their Toddler

Dogs, of course, come in different shapes and sizes. They’re not all the same and that’s the best thing about them. Canines are a packaged surprise, you never know what type of personality one dog will have, what he/she will like to eat, if they will like baths—the list can go on and on.

But, something that owners do usually know if how big their dog will grow up to be. People usually like to know what they’re getting in to before purchasing a dog—I’m not sure this family knew their family pet would grow up to THIS BIG!

I was always under the assumption that Great Danes were the biggest dogs until I saw Hulk. At 175 lb this pitbull is a lot of dog to love. He is only 17 months old and is the world’s largest pit bull — he is still growing. Owner Marlon Grannon, who absolutely loves his dog and said he wouldn’t even sell him for $10 million, estimates Hulk will get up to 200 lbs.

When you have a pet, you know that they’re safe and loyal to you and your family. There’s a reason people say that a dog is a man’s best friend. Marlon trusts Hulk around his 3-year-old son, Jordan. Hulk is so big, he plays horsey, giving Jordan rides around the house. This big dog also consumes four pounds of meat with special protein supplements, a day.

Marlon and Lisa Grannon are professional dog trainers, and Dark Dynasty K9 is their company that specializes in training dogs to become personal protectors for celebrities and wealthy professionals. While Hulk can get protective if need be, he also has a soft side and is a really good addition to the family. He’s even been known to sing along while Jordan plays the harmonica! They have baths together, too!

Although Hulk is a massive dog, this family loves and accepts him as one of their own. He’s got two sides, but knows when to work and when to play! Be assured that he’s absolutely safe to be around.

Click below to learn more about Hulk and his family.

Source: Rumble

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