People Share Stories About Their Revenge That Went Too Far


Eeks. Sometimes life can hurl you in less than preferable circumstances that test your patience, morals, and code of ethics. And you’re put in a position where you have to do something about it, but it has to be heavy-hitting or it won’t work. Like when a bully pushes you past the point of no return. Or you’re fed up with a colleague who is a total pain and makes your 9-5 a living ****. So what do you do? Do you stand back and take it or teach them a lesson? It’s a hard choice to make and must be approached with careful thought and consideration – the following examples prove why.

Whether things naturally escalated or the avenger was too emotional and irrational, and as a result chose a punishment that didn’t fit the crime, in all of these cases, they go from zero to 60 in no time at all. And some of them have years of pent up emotion built up, and the unleashing is just massive, like the high schooler who couldn’t stand getting beat up anymore so he taught his bully a lesson from the floor above. Or the girl who just couldn’t work with her passive-aggressive colleague anymore so she “lady-bugged” his car.

It’s when the big reveal happens that suddenly, maybe, the act of revenge was a little too much? Or it’s been years, but they still have a regret that maybe they went too far. Prepare for some doozies, these stories are more than you bargained for!

30. The New Kid On The Block Bullied The Bully


“In elementary school, there was a bully kid who would make fun of me. I had a bad bowl cut and was pretty small so it wasn’t surprising. My friends and I usually just ignored him.

Until one day this kid from Brazil moved into the house next to mine.

He was a year older, and we used to play soccer together every day after school. I mentioned to him once that this kid would call me names and usually while walking home from school, would follow behind me taunting me.

One day, I’m leaving school and this bully is slowly going behind me on his bike shouting stuff, just dumb kid stuff you know?
Brazil kid comes out of nowhere, knocks the kid off his bike and just starts beating him, the bully is on the grass crying and bleeding. Brazil kid grabs the bike and gives it to me, says, ‘you can keep this’ and then walks away.

I didn’t know what to do. I just laid the bike next to the kid and walked home. He didn’t come to school for a week.

Later in life, I found that kid had a really crappy home situation with abusive parents, I was 10 at the time. I always felt bad for that, but he did quit bullying me though.

I still occasionally see that Brazilian guy and I don’t think he even remembers it! Cool on him for helping in his way, I just think it went too far.” slin25

29. His Trumpet Case Had The Last Word


“My bother and cousins were walking home from school.

Well, my brother and I were walking and my cousins were on bikes. They kept circling us and making fun of us because we didn’t have bikes. One of my cousins then spits on me. Out of reflex, I blasted her with my trumpet case and she went flying, landed on the concrete and broke her arm. I felt awful, it was the first and last time I ever hit a girl.

My family believed every word of the story, knew this cousin was always a total ***** to me, and largely believed she had it coming. I still felt awful tho.” SIM0NEY

28. She “Lady-bugged” His Car


“Back in my early twenties, I was working a **** job in the mall.

I’d only been working there for about a month when I was promoted to keyholder over a guy who started before me. The dude had been a real flake as long as I’d known him, so I wasn’t surprised. Apparently, he’d been promised the position and was really upset at me.

For the next month, he was a huge **** to me. Swiping sales, complaining to the manager about me, ‘slyly’ ******* up cleaning projects or displays I had done and informing the manager that I’d failed to do something. After a full month of his crap, I eventually snapped.
At a few of the local plant nurseries, you can buy jars of ladybugs for ten bucks.

I bought three, which was somewhere between two and five thousand ladybugs. I swiped his keys from the break room while I was on lunch, found his cute new Saturn, and dumped all three containers on the floor of his back seat.

We closed together that night, so we ended up walking out to the parking lot together after dropping the cash off at the deposit box. I was parked further out, so he got to his car before I did, and I was able to get a peek at my handiwork. It looked like something from a horror film. The ladybugs had swarmed the entire inside of his car, and in the dim light, you couldn’t really tell what they were- only that the car was full on infested with bugs.

The dude had a complete breakdown right there in the parking lot. Just absolutely lost his mind. I enjoyed the scene at first, but the longer it went on the worse I felt. After he calmed down enough to start making sense he barreled into this monologue about how he was sure it was the girl from the pretzel stand because he’d been such a huge ******* to her, and he starts crying. He goes on about how he deserves this for being so awful, and then apologizes to me for being such a ****, and keeps going on about how he brought this on himself.

It was pretty bad.
I offered him a ride home, now feeling really guilty, and when I dropped him off he thanked me for being so nice to him, despite all the awful stuff he’d done. He said his mother was undergoing cancer treatment and it wasn’t going well. Oof. He apologized again and I didn’t see him for a few days.

Crap between us at work improved a lot, but I still felt guilty as ever. He had to sell the car a few months later because the Texas heat had killed all the ladybugs and he couldn’t get the smell of them out of the vehicle.

His mom died a little while after that and he ghosted the job.

I still think about that dude even now. The revenge felt so righteous when I did it, but afterward, it was nothing but guilt.” naturemage

27. She Got It After Years And Years Of Build Up

Markus Spiske

“My sister used to kick my a*s on the regular. She had mad anger problems and would go berserk over the littlest things. One time, I turned the light on while she was trying to sleep, and she beat me up and I ended up going to prom with bruises all over me.

All through the years, I never hit her back.

I was a super-sensitive kid and if I ever hit back, I ended up crying to my mom about how I loved my sister and hated to hurt her. After I graduated, she had calmed down a bit, but she still had issues. One night, I came back from a small party and she is back to her old *******,* just getting mad over something stupid and going totally crazy over it. We get home and get out of the car and I say I’m driving home. She keeps saying I’m ‘too drunk’ even though I’d only had 2-3 mini beers.

She grabs the back of my shirt and I’m so pissed off at her, I turn around really fast with my fist out to hit her arm or something. She immediately lets out a *****-piercing scream and drops to the ground. ***** is spurting everywhere. She leaves a trail as she runs inside and wakes up our mom and dad.

Turns out, I broke her nose pretty darn bad, but my mom and dad kept saying it couldn’t be that bad because I had done it and that she must have really been ******* with me for me to have done something like that after all these years of her beating on me.

I felt so awful, I cried and tried to say sorry, but she ended up going to the hospital. I don’t feel so bad now because she purposely never paid the bill, thinking she could bully me into paying it, and she still never lets it go. She always says I’m the reason her credit and stuff is bad and that she still has collections agencies calling her over the ER bill. I ain’t paying it. Consider it payment for the years of abuse.” theowlinwinterfell

26. I Broke His Nose And Splattered Him With Burning Hot Oil


“Oh man, this poor kid I used to work with at Wendy’s.

Kevin. He was a juvenile delinquent and he was a few years older than me, a little bit bigger than me had nasty tattoos on his neck and supposedly was out of jail on work release. He tried to be a tough guy and bully me whenever we worked together. Stuff like generally talking smack unprovoked, getting REALLY close up in my face, and that stance where you puff out your chest and pull your arms back like you’re gonna swing. The most irritating was when he would walk right up in my face then flinch like he was gonna throw a punch at me, then just laugh and say some rude crap.

I got along with just about everyone at work, and he did somewhat, but we just did not fit together. One day, the exchanges between us were so apparent and obviously stressed, everyone working was talking about me fighting him. I dispelled these rumors as I wanted to keep my job – but my destiny on this day said otherwise.
First, was the backdoor incident. The store had a large back door with a peephole in it, and it could only be opened from the inside. There was a buzzer outside that employees would push if they wanted to go back in.

Well, Kevin was locked outside and his patience, while awaiting his re-entry, had run out. Instead of tapping the buzzer, this guy was mashing it and holding it down while everyone inside went nuts. We were all busy and I was running to the back to grab some heavy boxes. Holding these boxes I was gonna open the back door while I walked past. I tried to push on the door but it wouldn’t open. I leaned into it but couldn’t push much more cuz of the boxes I was holding. I was in a hurry so I yelled, ‘GET BACK IM GONNA KICK THE DOOR!’ he did not hear me over the loud constant buzzing.

I gave that door a swift THIS IS SPARTA kick and it opened about 3 inches then bounced closed again. ***!?? I kicked it again and it opened, revealing a bashed up and somewhat upset Kevin.

He had been trying to look in the peephole when I kicked the door. I had just broken the crap out of his nose. Like the tip was almost touching his cheek, bright red-purple, swollen eyes, broken. He was pissed… Immediately I started apologizing and backing away from him, but he came at me like a rabid monkey. Quickly, we were surrounded by employees and separated.

I was told to go up front and manage fries and do not come into the back part of the store until Kevin left to the hospital.
Then the final event, less than 10 minutes later. I was working the fries which entails grabbing a metal basket out of boiling hot oil and dumping the fresh fries into an adjacent tray. I was doing this and everyone around me was talking about how I just broke Kevin’s face. On his way, leaving our store for the hospital, he decided to come right up to me again and try to instigate a fight while I was dumping some fresh fries.

Kevin pulled his signature move of flinching at me like he was gonna throw a punch. I retaliated by returning my own flinch with the basket I was holding. I didn’t actually hit him with an incredibly hot fry basket… But I forgot about the boiling hot oil still clinging to the basket. When I flinched at him and shook the basket, tiny flaming hot drops of grease splattered his face and neck.

I had just broken his nose by accident, then threw boiling hot oil on his face by accident. Instant fight. He was on the ground. I’m a wrestler so his freshly broken and burned nose got smashed and wiped across a dirty floor for a few seconds before it was broken up.

He was an absolute mess. He left for the hospital, I got sent home. That was it. No charges. No questions from my manager(s) after. No more being scheduled with Kevin. Not even any paperwork about 2 vicious assaults and fights on the same day. I felt really bad but simultaneously kinda justified. Both incidents were honest accidents which could have easily been avoided if he weren’t such a jerk. I still felt like the outcome was worse than reasonable.” Jasonxhx

25. I Threw Chalk Into A Kid’s Mouth And He Choked…


“Way back in elementary school a friend threw a piece of chalk that hit me square in the forehead.

It was the most humiliating moment for younger me as everyone who saw that started laughing their ***** off (kids are *******).

I* plotted and planned my revenge, to get back in the exact same fashion over the next couple of days. One fine day, weapon in hand, I find him perfectly placed, only a chalk-throw away from me.

I yell out his name and quickly launch the projectile as he spins around. For some reason, he had his mouth open as he looked at me and the piece of chalk flew directly into his throat. His eyes widen and he starts choking.

I stood frozen in shock as he fell on his knees coughing. Luckily somebody grabbed him from behind and thumped his back, so he swallowed the piece. An adult walks in, cannot remember who it was at the time, but she looks at me and asks what happened. At this point, I’m shaking realizing that I narrowly killed my friend. I say it was a mint. My friend, also shaken at this point, laughs it off saying it went straight into his throat and he didn’t taste it. The adult shakes her head and says next time, just hand it like a normal person and walks away.

Years later when we were moving away to another country I remind him about the incident and come clean about the whole thing. He snaps and yells, ‘I knew it!'” d1andonly

24. I Left A Little Kid Stranded On The Playground


“When I was about 7 or 8 there was this girl at my school that was absolutely horrible, we’ll call her Cindy. Cindy would run up to you and pull your hair out, steal the toy you were playing with, eat your snack at snack time, etc. In other words, she was a real ****.

One* day as we were finishing up recess in the playground, she came up to me, pulled my hair, and took some with it.

That was the last straw. As the teacher was gathering everyone inside and wasn’t looking our way, I grabbed Cindy by her pigtail and dragged her over to the playground. Now this playground was built weird with a sort of enclosed area in the middle of 3 bridges that formed a triangle that you couldn’t get out of. Sometimes us bigger kids would jump in there during hide and seek and climb out later. But Cindy couldn’t because she was shorter. So I picked her up and threw her down in there and left to go back inside. It wasn’t until about an hour later when the teacher realized that Cindy wasn’t in class.

I didn’t say where she was and it took them another half hour to find her. I got in trouble and had to spend the next week in the principal’s office (and lost my Gameboy for a month), but Cindy never messed with me again.
Edit: A lot of people are wondering how the playground was laid out, so picture the playground like this but where any of the bridges were, they were walled off on the bottom Idk why it was designed like that, but that’s how the pit was formed.

Also as far as people saying it didn’t sound like I had any regrets doing it, I did regret it immediately since I was on my first playthrough of Pokemon Red when I had my Gameboy taken away from me for a month.

I was devastated and it was one of the longest months of my childhood. Now I couldn’t care less.” AfroMidgets

23. She Was Just An 18-Year-Old Single Mother


“Some girl hit my car in a hit and run. There was a witness to the crime, so the police were able to track her down. When I was asked if I wanted to press charges I went for it. Turns out she had no license or insurance. She kept trying to fight the charges but wound up getting sued by my insurance, having to pay me restitution via the court system, and four separate charges between all her crimes, all of which included a decent fine.

She was some 18-year-old single mom. I felt super bad by the end of it.
Edit to add details: The damage wasn’t significant. There was a small dent and a large scratch. It was all cosmetic damage. My deductible was small, but the total bill to my insurance was about three grand. My car is over ten years old and had some other scratches already. I was way more upset that someone hit me and drove off than I was about the actual damage. I wouldn’t have even bothered to get it fixed if the girl hadn’t driven off.

By pursuing her and pressing charges was 100% fueled by revenge, and her life got pretty f*cked up from it.

Yeah, what she did wasn’t right, but I can emphasize with her being a scared 18-year-old who made a bad choice while caught up in the moment. Also, I’m not justifying her behavior because she had a kid, but it does make me feel bad for her. Being a single parent (as a woman or man) is a really expensive thing, and having a bunch of fees on top of that financial burden has got to suck.” eprj

22. I Tripped Him And He Knocked His Teeth Out


“When I was in ninth grade, a kid ruthlessly bullied me for a few months.

I had gotten sick of it and devised a plan for revenge. Every Wednesday we would get to sit outside for ‘quiet reading time’ and this kid would always go back inside for a piss. I had left and waited in the bathroom for him, peeking under the stall for his shoes to appear. He came in the bathroom, took his piss, then played on his Gameboy for the rest of reading time. The bell rang and he walked out to the crowded stairwell still looking down at his Gameboy. I bumped into him, he fell face first down the stairs and he knocked out 4 front teeth.

Everyone on the stairs assumed he fell because he was playing his Gameboy. I feel pretty bad about it.” C0RNDOG

21. I Almost Cost Someone Their Job…


“One time I saw a truck with the typical, ‘How’s my driving? Call xxx-xxx-xxxx.’

So I call and tell them that the guy was driving erratically because 16-year-old me thought that would be hilarious. The lady on the other end sounded like she was writing stuff down and I started to panic realizing that I may be screwing with the driver’s livelihood.

So mid-conversation I drop the phone on purpose and pick it up and deepen my voice to say, ‘This is ForeseeablePast’s dad, apparently he thought it’d be funny to call the number on the back of your trucks as a prank.’ The lady was understanding and said that it’s nothing to mess around with, as they take driving safety very serious.

I continued to feel bad so I told her that my son would like to apologize — so I dropped the phone again and apologized in a regretful way and then hung up.

Probably the most elaborate, stupidest thing I’ve ever done.” ForeseablePast

20. She Would Never See A Lamb The Same Way


“Have to go all the way back to second grade for this. So I’m not sure how it was at your elementary school, but in ours, birthdays were a big deal. Usually, they involved the kid’s parents coming in with sweets and goody-bags and everything. In my class, there was a super annoying, devil-child who I am convinced was spawned by Satan himself.

Let’s call her Miley.

Miley was as bad of a kid as there ever could be. Talking back to the teacher, never doing her work, insulting how poor she thought the other kids were, and resorting to physical violence against everybody – especially the other boys. She knew that she could get a pass just because she was a girl and for some reason, the teacher never really seemed to pick up on how horrible she was. There was something particular about this little Hannibal Lecter though: lambs. She was absolutely obsessed with little white lambs. They were her favorite animal. She had them everywhere: bookbag, temporary tattoos, notebooks, t-shirts, etc.

Some of you can instantly see where this is going. Being from a Persian family, our diet consisted of a fair amount of lamb. And it was around this fact that my best friend at the time (let’s call him Josh) and I hatched a plan. We’d both gotten sick of Miley, but my birthday was coming up. Instead of asking my mom to bring over cupcakes, (her usual routine) I asked my dad to cook some authentic Persian Kabob Koobideh so I could have my favorite meal at school. Being the only brown kid in my class, I think I passed it off as a ‘cultural enrichment exercise.’

The trap was set.

On my birthday, we all stayed in for lunch and my dad brought over a huge tray of kabob. It was a huge hit. Kids were scarfing these things down like there was no lunch for the rest of the week. I distinctly remember looking over at Miley who had just finished her first one. Josh wanted to set the final stage of the plan into action but I held off. I wanted her to eat more. The best part? She was wearing a pink t-shirt with a picture of a lamb on it. I remember thinking at the time why she hadn’t asked anyone what meat it was (as it was obviously red meat).

It now occurs to me that she just figured it’s beef and that to spare her feelings, her parents have never told her that people actually eat lamb.
We waited until she had eaten 3 kabobs. She pushed the paper plate away from her. Seemingly she was done with her meal. Josh and I launched the final stage. We both walked up close to her table and Josh asked me, ‘Say OP! That’s some good kabob! How do you even make such a thing?’ And in the most-obviously fake TV-announcer voice I could. I said, ‘Well it’s easy! You just take a lot of beef, and an equal part of lamb meat, and mix it all together!’ Miley’s eyes got wider than I ever thought eyes could get.

She turned and asked me what I said. Josh simply told her it was made from ‘that’ and pointed to the little lamb on her shirt.
The reason why I regret this revenge choice so much is because, in that moment, I still remember watching her soul crumble. As horrible as she was, she was still just a kid. Her eyes welled up immediately as she looked at the remains of her plate, then back down at her shirt. That’s when the crying started. And when I say crying, I mean bawling. And when I say bawling, I mean inconsolable. She cried so loud I remember the teacher being mortified: shaking her by the shoulders and asking her what was wrong.

She had no words. Just more tears.

At the time, I hate to admit, I was loving it. But now, all this time later, it still bothers me what I chose to do. You might think I’m being too hard on myself. But what will always stick with me is the fact that this all happened around lunch. She was whisked off to the office where, as I was leaving at 3 pm, I could still hear her crying. And she was never the same after that either. Not as mean, sure. But I don’t think I saw her smile even once for the rest of the year.

Her family ended up moving away that summer. I’m sure it was unrelated but that just means I never saw her again.” strangequark024

19. These Sisters Were Way Too Evil


“When my friends and I were young (middle school or elementary age) there was this pair of sisters in our class. They were the epitome of a teacher’s pet – it helped because their mother was the assistant teacher – and whenever the teachers would leave they would snitch on everyone. Sometimes if they didn’t like you they would make crap up and you would get in trouble still.

My friends and I were quite annoying so we obviously got blamed for garbage that we didn’t do.

No matter what we did we were never believed in our innocence.

So we did the logical thing of talking to every other student in the class and they shared our opinion of how much we all didn’t like these girls. EVERYBODY was fed up with their crap. So we wrote a paper stating the terrible things these girls where doing and how everyone didn’t like them and so on. We then got about 90% of our classmates to sign this paper. Then we gave it to the principal.

I’m not 100% sure what happened next. But I do remember the principal coming into our class after recess and she began to ask if this paper was true and so forth and everyone who signed it agreed.

A few days later these girls were kicked out of school (or maybe they left due to humiliation/parents decided to pull them from the school). Their mother was still the assistant teacher and she was crying about the whole thing and she was saying things about how we are horrible and how could we lie about her angels.

I felt really bad but I was quite happy that those girls were no longer there because they were mean and massive liars.” cheeznip73

18. I Slept With My Enemy’s Sister…


“Had a big group of friends from 13-18, when we were 17, one of them stole my girlfriend.

He legitimately knew we were going out, he got her drunk and shagged her at a party. He knew I’d find out. Said to my face he didn’t care. ‘Tough ***, mate.’

It was her fault as well, of course. She wasn’t passed out or anything like that. She’d been leading him on and was sober enough to consent, if drunk enough to get over the social stigma of actually doing it.

So from that point on, our group of friends just cut this guy out of our circle. We stopped inviting him to stuff, and if he tried to hang out, we told him to piss off.

Mates that had been friends with him since Primary School just ignored him.

Initially, I was super proud of this show of solidarity from my bros. My best mate was actually dating my now ex-girlfriend’s best mate, and he split up with her because of her attitude about the whole thing, trying to defend her friend to him, and make him hang out with them as a foursome.

So, first summer back from Uni, we’re all 19-20. We see him in a local pub. I don’t know what to do, decide to try and be cool about it, and go up to say hi.

He tells me to *** off. I guess he blames me for all his friends cutting him out of his life. I don’t get the chance to explain that I, in no way asked them to do that, they just did what they saw as the right thing.
Two weeks later, we’re in the same pub, and I see his younger sister. She’s 17 now, very, very attractive. I start a conversation with her about her brother, and how I feel bad about what we did. She says that it did really hurt him, but he’s got some new friends now (mostly from Uni) and is still with my ex, despite a long-distance relationship over the Uni semesters.

He won’t talk to any of us old friends though, which I think is a genuine shame – he’s known some of the guys since we were five.

One drink leads to another with this girl, and we end up back at her house. Her parents are away, her brother is staying at my ex’s flat (she has her own flat – didn’t go to Uni, got a job), so empty house. We end up ********. Next morning, her bro calls round just as I’m leaving. The look on his face as he works out what’s happened. He goes from utter despair to absolutely mental in about half a second.

Eventually, I just had to leave. His sister finally managed to explain to him that it was nothing to do with ‘revenge’ or anything and that I was genuinely sorry for how we treated him. I don’t know if she told him the whole conversation we had about how I’d feel bad as I didn’t want to upset him anymore, and she convinced me to come back to hers by saying she was her own woman, could make her own decisions, and he wasn’t due to be home at any time. If he hadn’t had randomly turned up, I hope he’d have never known.

He still won’t accept my facebook friend request though.” EffityJeffity

17. Zip Ties Led To A Very Big Mess


“When I first became an electrician, an older journeyman decided to teach me not to leave my stuff laying around by taking 50+ small zip ties and encased my lineman’s pliers. He was also trying to tell me I needed to buy some diagonal cutters. A sheet metal worker saw all of this go down and quietly gave me a very long, heavy duty zip tie and suggested I put it on his truck’s drive shaft so he’d spend time looking for the noise.

The older journeyman didn’t show up for two days after I put the zip tie on because his truck broke down on the way home. Apparently, the zip tie got hung up and his drive shaft, transmission yoke, pillow block, differential yoke all got destroyed, which also took out the exhaust system just after the headers, and it managed to crack the fiberglass fender dually on the passenger side… He ended up buying a new truck shortly after that, and I never told him about the zip tie.” IrishDemon

16. She Broke Her Tailbone And Fractured A Wrist-My Fault


“In 3rd grade, I was a very skinny girl, probably the skinniest in my class.

But it wasn’t abnormal, it fit my frame. There was a rude chunky girl that picked on me and a few others constantly. She even got me sent to the guidance counselor to have a meeting with the principal because she spread a rumor that I was bulimic and would make myself throw up every day after lunch. Which was NOT TRUE. I just happened to be a small girl.

Anyways, so we got paired up in P.E. for some trust exercises.. to this day, I don’t know why they put the biggest and smallest girls together for this.. but we did the thing where you fall back and your partner catches you.

I went first, she caught me, all was well. But then it was my turn to catch her, and as she was falling back I pretended to try and catch her but totally dropped her. She screamed and started crying immediately. I instantly yelled, ‘I’m sorry! I couldn’t catch you, I’m not strong enough!’ or something along this way lines. Turns out she broke her tailbone and fractured her wrist from the fall.. oops.” bumblebumblebuzz

15. He Was Lawyer No More…


“Had a lawyer a few years back who was a piece of absolute ***.

• Would go months between returning phone calls

• Constantly late with court filings to the point the courts, multiple times moved to have the case dismissed from lack of action

• Lied to me constantly about anything and everything

• Refused to be fired (seriously, when I told him he was fired he just ignored me and kept presenting himself as my lawyer, I had to get the courts involved to get him to stop)

• Lied about me (our client has been unreachable, we are considering dropping them (????? I TRIED TO CALL YOU 84 TIME IN THE LAST THREE MONTHS AND YOU DIDNT ANSWER OR RETURN A SINGLE ONE????))
When I finally did fire him, he told me I had to be in court on a specific date (that didn’t work for me) at a specific time (that didn’t work for me) or else the motion to withdraw wouldn’t be accepted.

So I got to the courtroom and the judge was super nice but confused as to why I was there and when I told him the story the judge just goes, ‘yea, this is all done electronically. Not sure why your lawyer would tell you that other than to be a jerk.’

Needless to say by the end of all this I was pissed and wrote a 10-page bar complaint about four different lawyers in their offices’ unethical behavior. Well, the bar association decided this was a firm-wide encouraged pattern of behavior and threw the book at the four partners. Disbarred for five years, restitution to clients, and only allowed to practice under supervision for a period of 5 years after they return.

I felt a little bad, but god **** I was soooooo sick of being jerked around.” throwawatfjgtdtt

14. I Was Responsible For His Black Eye


“I’m still mad at myself for this. Like, really mad.

When I was a preteen, my friend and I went to one of those day camps that picked us up in yellow school buses. One of the other kids on our bus was a younger boy I’ll refer to as Eli.

Eli was a **** terror. He would scream and spit and hump things, make a mess, and be as annoying and insufferable as possible. Riding the bus with him was a nightmare for everyone involved most of the time.

So I came up with this idea. I found his family in the phone book and called up pretending to be a camp counselor. I told his mom that he was misbehaving on the bus and that he would either be disciplined or kicked out of the camp if he didn’t stop.

She bought it, said she would talk to him about it. I felt so ****** smart.

Until the next day, when a quiet, sullen Eli showed up with a black eye.” Pyro62S

13. I Had Strangers Calling Him About Turtles…


“So, back in junior high, one dude (for the sake of the story we’ll call him Werner) who was in the same math class as me and was a continuous *** to everyone, but often to me especially.

After some months I decided I had had enough.

I went to a really active turtle/tortoise online forum and in the subsection for buying and selling the animals/equipment, I posted a message that went something like this:

‘Hi, I am looking to start my turtle hobby, I need everything to start and a turtle, maybe several. My budget is pretty big and I am willing to buy a whole terrarium as well. I am best reached by phone on mon-fri between 12-4 pm. Kind regards, -Werner

Basically, I expected him to get a few calls during the school hours and get his mobile confiscated a couple of times, but what followed was an absolute onslaught of people trying to sell their turtles and equipment to him.

His phone was ringing constantly during the afternoon and he started to get more and more irate with this. He often started screaming to the people trying to sell their stuff to him.

Then finally, one math class, he gets a call. It’s about a turtle. He completely flips out and smashes his phone and goes completely mental. The teacher can’t get him to calm down and he shoves the teacher. This leads to him getting kicked out of the course, mandatory therapy in anger management and he had to repeat the grade – because of the math course.

Sure he was an ass, but he didn’t deserve to lose a year out of his life due to that.

To this day, he has no idea how the phone calls started…” SmokingTanuki

12. I Took Their Heads And Hit Them Against One Another


“This was 30 years ago, I think I was 5-6 at the time. Had just moved, so new school. No real friends yet. Wasn’t long before 2 kids started picking on me. Every recess they’d do their best to torment, shove me around. This went on for weeks.

One night, I was watching a movie that was probably a little too mature for me with dad, saw something on said movie… I began mentally preparing myself for my next encounter with these two bullies.

I remember it being winter out at the time, we were all dressed up in snowsuits, toques, mitts etc. The two boys walked up to me and got in my face like they always did, started shoving me, picking on me… So I defended myself using the new move I learned on TV the night before. They were standing right next to each other, so I reached up and knocked their two heads together – fairly hard in hindsight. They both dropped to the ground almost instantly, crying, rolling around in the snow as I walked away. I felt pretty bad.

I didn’t expect the result to be so spectacular.

I got into a bit of trouble with teachers, some of the other kids in the class hated me and called me a bully for the next couple of months… But those two never picked on me again. In fact, 30 years later I still hang out with both of them. Go figure.” anacondatmz

11. I Told Him He’d Be Changing My Oil Soon Enough


“Told this one here before, but here it is… this is 100% true, and I still feel like a ******** to this day. Might not be revenge exactly, but felt like it.

In middle school, I had a bully/tormentor we’ll call Chuck. Chuck was about 2 years older than everyone because he’d been held back twice. Chuck was a monster. Huge kid (especially since he was an 8th grader in 6th grade), and regularly tortured half the class. He picked on me most often out of the group, but everyone despised him.

One day, after he grabbed me by the backpack and threw me against the lockers, I came home upset. My dad said, ‘don’t worry about him. Guys like that will be changing your car’s oil one day.’

Fast forward a month or so, and we’re in art class.

Teacher leaves the room and Chuck starts laying into me and threatening to beat me up. I’d had enough so replied with something like, ‘Fine, Chuck. I don’t care. Beat me up. No one here will laugh at me because you’re bigger than all of us. You can beat up anyone in the room. Who cares. Do it. No one will give a *****.’
At this point, the class started getting my back and laughing. Yelling insults at him. I still remember him looking panicked and saying, ‘shut up, I’m sick of you talking. You’re stupid!’ Since I had the support of the mob, I leaned into it and started telling him he was stupid, his parents hated him, he’d been held back twice because he was so stupid, etc.

Chuck was visibly shaking and about to start crying at this point. He had no power and the whole class was suddenly against him. So I went for the kill – ‘I don’t care. You can beat us up, Chuck. You’ll be changing my oil one day.’

After repeating my dad’s line, I realized I f*cked up. Chuck was about to beat the crap out of me… thankfully the teacher walked back in the room a few seconds later saw the commotion about to start and sent him to the other side of the room.

Fast forward about 7-8 years. I was in my sophomore year of college and came home for the weekend.

Took my car to the Jiffy Lube for an oil change. Everything was normal, but then Chuck walks into the lobby holding my car’s air filter. ‘Sir, this is pretty caked with dirt, do you want a new one?’

I don’t think Chuck recognized me, but I realized he was literally the tech changing my oil. Seeing him as beaten down as he was, working in a hot oil change shop in early summer made me feel horrible inside.” lebowskiachiever12

10. I Prevented A Guy From Attending College


“I was jealous of a kid in my senior-year creative writing class (high school). We had to submit weekly fiction pieces, and everyone in class would read each others’ stories and discuss in class.

This guy never wrote his own pieces; he actually had the balls to submit short stories he found online. Our teacher was not technologically savvy and way too trusting of his students, so it was never obvious to him. The kid received glowing praise every week in class, and it infuriated a lot of people to sit there and watch the teacher gush over this fraud. I finally decided to do something and snitched. He was nailed for cheating and failed the class, resulting in a failing grade for his English requirement.

This was problematic for him because he had applied early decision to one school, and it was now late into Senior year when he could no longer apply to schools.

Because of a failing grade, this crushed his GPA and somehow the University was also aware of the cheating. They reversed their admittance and he had to spend a year at home.

During that year at home, when he otherwise would have been at school, he was hit by a car and is now paralyzed from the neck down.” Source

9. I Used Rain-X To Haunt A ****** Predator


“I won’t go into detail about what he did, but he was a middle-aged man and he was repeatedly ******** assaulting my friend,
a 14-year-old girl. His standing in the community as a ‘man of God’ kept the police from investigating the many allegations against him.

Let’s call him J.

I used a product called Rain-X which stops glass from fogging up as my revenge medium. I used it to write on his bathroom mirror, ‘I know what you did.; When he went into the bathroom, he locked the door and the mirror was normal. Once it fogged up from the shower, it looked as if someone had written, ‘I know what you did’ on his mirror while he was alone in a locked bathroom. Over the next week, I changed the message each day, getting more and more specific about what he was doing to her.

J was very religious… he believed the devil or some kind of demon was after him.

He decided it was the house that was haunted – it couldn’t possibly be because he’s a ****** predator… so he moved somewhere else in town.

‘You can’t hide from me’ said his new mirror. ‘I will always find you’ or ‘Your soul will be mine’

J spent some time in a psychiatric ward after that. While he was there, he told some other patients that a demon was after him and why. Eventually, word of his confessions got to the police and they finally investigated. He’s in jail now and will be for a long time.

So that’s good, but he never quite recovered from his mental breakdown.

That part always makes me wonder if I could have done it a better way.” amiapimpnow

8. We Made Subtle Comments About Her Miscarriage And Made Our Teacher Cry


“In high school, I had this shrew of a biology teacher. She’d explode in anger for no apparent reason and gave out detention like it was nothing; we hated her.

Part of the biology curriculum focussed on the ‘birds and bees.’

Suddenly, she went on sick leave for a couple of weeks, but eventually came back. After some time, we learned that she had a miscarriage.

We immediately knew this was our way of prepubescent payback. Every day in biology, the whole class asked if she could explain ‘the birds and the bees’ again.

After a couple of times, she snapped, started crying, and stormed out of the classroom, never to be seen again.

Immediately, we realized we went way too far. I eventually heard she quit teaching altogether, and was even institutionalized for some time. It makes me feel bad 25 years later.” OvertOperation

7. I Threw A Discus At Him And Shattered His Jaw


“I don’t know why I am sharing this, but here we go. When I was in middle school I got picked on a lot, I was that really big kid who just did not stand up for himself. Every new school I went to it usually started okay, until one kid would test me and see me not do anything about it, then it would spread like wildfire.

Needless to say, I had a miserable time in middle school. It was the spring and at the time I was a part of the track team, being a bigger kid that meant throwing shot-put and discus.

There was this one fat dude named Eric, who wasn’t all too popular himself, and he had decided that to earn some cred for himself, he would start laying into me. I would snap back at him every time he insulted, but I didn’t want to take it past there and he knew this. The constant insults continued for weeks, every day after school I had to stay for practice for a couple of hours, and here was Eric constantly heckling me.

One day I decided I had enough, my mind was made up, I was either going to get the daylights kicked out of me or I was going to demolish this jerk.
Having never been in a fight before I worked out how I wanted to do this for quite a while in my head before beginning, meanwhile the whole time he just kept running his mouth. I was at the point between tears and blind rage, I was standing in the discus ring holding the discus, and there was his fat face cackling at me. I decided I would throw the discus at him and then charge.

In my mind’s eye, I imagined that the discus would hit him in the arm or back, or possibly even get slapped away as I ran towards him, after all, I tossed it underhanded like a frisbee, not what I thought had any force behind it.

NOPE! Instead, he just stood there, staring as the discus flew towards his face. I will never forget the sound/sight of when the discus made contact. I could hear his jaw shatter as a heavy spirt of ***** shot from his face. See Eric had braces, and not only did the discus break his jaw, and burst straight through his bottom lip, but it also quickly dislodged most of his front teeth, sending his brace wires sprawling in all directions digging into the flesh of his cheeks and gums.

The amount of ***** pouring from his face was nauseating, and all of a sudden the rage that had been building inside of me was gone and replaced by immense sadness for him. He took off running towards the coaches, and I was right behind him. I couldn’t contain my crying as I followed step by step behind him, hearing the gargling wails and screams for help.
We were both ushered into the coach’s office quickly, I was too hysterical to answer any questions, the ambulance came and picked him up, and my way overprotective and somewhat sociopathic older brother came and sheltered me from the barrage of incriminating questions coming from the coaches.

My brother grabbed me to pull me out of the room and take me home. The coach shoved past him and pushed me back into the chair stating that I wasn’t going anywhere. My brother turned around and knocked him out cold and we left.

Over the next few days, everyone kept their distance from me at school. The principal finally called me in and asked that I write a statement of what happened, I said it was an accident and that it slipped. Turns out the rest of the guys who were around had turned in statements saying the same thing, awhile later they confessed they thought Eric had it coming, and they were glad I had finally stood up for myself.

Truth is, I don’t feel great about it. As an adult, it is a memory that haunts me. What makes it even worse is that we moved that year and I ended up going to a different nearby high school in the same district. Freshman year at track practice, the coach sat us down and told everyone my story as a cautionary tale of safety. I don’t think he knew it was me he was speaking about. Over the next few years I would hear classmates and teachers and other people in the community repeat it as almost an urban myth, all the while I sat quietly knowing the true story because it was about me.” Source

6. I Threw My Bully Over The Railing At School 


“Little bit of backstory. I was a bit on the heavy side back then.

And by bit, I mean I was the biggest guy in size in school. So got bullied a lot. Mostly verbal. The few times it got physical, I didn’t retaliate. So almost everyone knew how much of a softy I am. Which made me a prime target for the whole school. Als,o the school was an all exclusive boys school.

On to the story. I was called a lot of names back then. Chubby, fatty, big lorry. Anything big in size gets associated with my name. There’s this one guy, who I’ve known since the first grade, let’s call him DB (he’s a total d-bag), who has been relentlessly bullying me since the first time he laid eyes on me.

I am kind of a nerd. Just love computers and anything related to technology. Which DB didn’t like. Because his IQ is mostly a double-digit and he had trouble figuring things out. So at the start of 8th grade, we could take an extra class that taught us current technology and stuff. DB stayed at the back of the class and got in a lot of trouble with the teacher because of he was disruptive. The technology department is located on the first floor of the school. This will be important later.

I had already complained a lot to the school administration about the bullying and even had my parents involved during the 4th grade.

He only got a slap on the wrist. Because his father was a friend of the School VP (Vice Principal). VP had filed numerous reports about DB but had never taken any action. Oh and the time my parents got involved, he said, ‘boys will be boys. They’re just having fun. They’ll grow up and look back to those moments and have a laugh. Who knows. Your kid might even lose weight just to impress them.’ My parents were helpless in this situation.

So at the start of 8th grade, the bullying started. And this time it was mostly physical. Punching me on the arm.

Slapping the back my head. My father had always taught me to turn the other cheek and always to respect others. Even if they do something wrong to you.
Exactly one month after the start of the school year, I went home with a black eye and fingernail scratches on my face. My father couldn’t bear it anymore. That was the day my father gave the best advice that he has given me. ‘Son. You have the size and strength to overcome many things. Next time anyone that even thinks of bullying you physically, *** him up bad. You’ll never have any trouble with anyone if you stand up and fight back against them.’ I had been bottling up everything up till that day.

My father’s words unleashed that rage beautifully.

I went back to school the next day and I was fuming. 8 years of pent up rage ready to ****** demolish DB. My first class for that day was technology class. The teacher still hadn’t come to class so we were all just waiting outside. DB saw me and started going on and on about my size. I didn’t say anything. The moment he punched on my arm was the breaking point. I simply grabbed onto his shoulders and said the words I was waiting to say all day long. ‘This is for all the years of you punching and calling me names.’

I threw him over the railing.

From the first floor. He landed on the ground with a sickening thud onto the ground. What followed was the most girlish scream I have ever heard. The rest of the class had to pick up their jaws from the floor. VP came running to his aid looked up. He saw me smiling with the biggest grin I have ever had during the 8 years I spent in that ****.

Parents were called and what followed was a *** show. DB’s father tried to punch me in the office in front of everyone (Principal, Vice Principal, 4 head teachers of the school and the president of the school board who just happened to be on a visit to the school).

My father got in front of him laid a nice uppercut which dislocated his jaw.
Police was called and he was arrested for trying to assault a minor. VP was fired because he had never taken any action against DB’s action even though he knew the whole story. DB had a broken shoulder and broken knee cap which stopped him from playing soccer. Which he loved.

After the whole fiasco was sorted out, my father gave me some new advice, ‘Just punch their lights out. Don’t throw them from balconies.’ I never had any more troubles with bullies. They were scared of me.

My next goal was to protect the other kids who were getting bullied. If I saw anyone bullying anybody, I would stand next to the kid and ask what’s the problem. They would always apologize and leave.

I could proudly say that I solved the bullying problem in our school barehanded.” mooziad

5. I Called Her Nasty Names


“Hollow and shameful.

I was cheated on by a girlfriend once. Repeatedly over the course of six months with a guy nicknamed Psycho who drunkenly stabbed me in the arm with a sharpened sword the first time I met him. (Which was well after the cheating began.)

I found out three days after my relationship had ended amicably, a mutual friend let it slip and spilled the beans.

I got my revenge by calling her out as a wh*re at the top of my lungs, in every language I could come up with, in front of most of our mutual friends, at the mouth of the amphitheater of the community college we all attended.
It was the worst thing I could have done. She was always shy, she didn’t show her face for weeks from the embarrassment.

It is one of the worst things I have ever done. I’m ashamed to tell you about it. I lost the respect of many people I liked that day, and I honestly deserved to lose that respect.

If there is a silver lining it is this…

We eventually became friends again, about three or four years later. The same mutual friend that had told me about the cheating brought us back together. We apologized to each other and talked it out and moved on. We’ve lost touch since, but if I ever run into her again I’d be glad to see her.”

4. I Punched A 7-Year-Old Girl In The Eye

Ben Hershey

“I guess revenge implies thinking out the act or some time between acts.

But at the age of 14, I was rolling up the hose in my backyard with a friend since my mother told me to.

The two girls next door where playing in their back yard and come over to talk. One 12 or so the other ~7. The 12-year-old happened to be standing on the hose, and I asked her to move. She did not.

I pulled the hose hard enough to make her fall over. At this point, the 7-year-old screamed ****** murder and ran right at me, and bit my right on the stomach.

She was not letting go, and I could see ***** starting to stain my shirt. I grabbed her head and tried to pull her away, but nothing.

So I just full on punched her right in her eye.

I was/am not proud of this, but it had to be done. What was worse, is that the house was owned by a local church where I happened to go to BoyScouts.

Everyone quickly new I had punched a 7-year-old and given her a black-eye. But no one cared why.” errgreen

3. I Revealed Her Dirty Secrets To People At School


“I had a girlfriend cheat on me, lie about it when I confronted her and gave her the chance to come clean and work through it, and stalk me after I broke up with her. We were quite young (17) so it was all very overdramatic, but I did love her a lot and was hurt by what she did.

At the same time, I was very done and not interested in reconciling. She didn’t get the hint.

I asked her nicely many times, then not so nicely, then demanded she *** off. She would, for a while, but then she’d show up drunk and try and pick fights, insult me, and be sincerely hurtful. I eventually had enough, as you do. I told a couple of choice people in her school (different to mine) what she’d done, with gory details (she’d sucked off her ex in his crappy car). Thought she’d get dragged for it and that would be that.
Well, turns out she was a ***** in all other aspects of her life, too.

Apparently, she was loathed at school, and people jumped on this news like starving beasts on fresh meat. I had texts and IMs from people I didn’t even know asking to confirm the news, which I ignored because I was really done with the whole situation by now. I eventually heard from other friends at that school that people had not let it drop, and had even stuck posters around the school with pictures of her, announcing what she’d done, offering her um… services with her phone number, photoshopping bananas into her mouth, etc. It was brutal and she had to change schools in her final year.

I did feel a bit bad. If I’d known it would go that far I might have rethought telling those people. At the same time, she hurt me badly, she refused to leave me alone despite months of chances, and the other students reacted so viciously because apparently, she was a total ****** to everyone in the school, so… I don’t know. I sure as **** didn’t expect that, though.” Lavrentiiy

2. I Leaked Confidential Information About His Work…


“During a rough patch with my (now ex) fiancé, he admitted to me that he had been cheating on me and was involved with someone else.

At the time he was the General Manager of a company that was being sold, but none of the employees knew, as the company needed to be up and operating through the sale, at which time everyone would be out of a job, including him. But he was getting some big $$$ for his efforts. So when he came clean about the cheating, I went out and got drunk with a friend. Came home that night and called everyone’s voice mail and left a message with the details of what was happening to their jobs and the company. It was a complete mutiny the next day.” notsherriseeley

1. We Smashed The Windows And Headlights Of His Car


“Over a decade ago, when I was a teenager, we used to have bonfires out in a secret spot in the woods.

One night we went out there and another group we didn’t know also came through. They seemed nice and were doing their own thing most of the night—it was a big open space, so our groups stayed mostly separate. We brought two 30-racks for about 6 people, so we obviously didn’t end up finishing all of it. We got up and left at around 1 am, while the other group was still there.

We get out of the woods and into our car, only to immediately see three of the guys from the group emerge from the woods. They blocked our car off and demanded we give them our beer or they’ll ‘kick our ****.’ The driver laughs in the guys face, drops into gear and peels out toward them, they jump out of the way, we get away laughing and yelling insults at the idiots.

Well, we’re teenagers with chips on our shoulders, and somebody has wronged us. So, we went back and smashed out every window and headlight on the main guy’s decked-out VW Jetta.

We later found out that he was friends with a few mutual acquaintances. He told them about the incident at a party (conveniently leaving out the fact that they attempted to rob us) and said it cost them upwards of $2000 because they had no insurance.

Our revenge was definitely way out of proportion.” djsedna
Oof. Well, that escalated quickly! What did you think of these stories? Which one was your favorite?

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