Mom Gives Birth To Twins, Then An Unannounced Visitor Leaves Her In Tears

While it is an incredible journey to take part in the military, being in the military also means missing out on things back home. Military personnel may miss their best friend’s wedding, the graduation of their younger sibling, or even the birth of their child.

For a Topeka, Kansas woman, Cydney Cooper, her Kansas Army husband, Skyler, was not able to make it to the birth of their twin baby girls on January 24— they were born prematurely at 33 weeks after Cydney had the flu. But, 12 days later, as the tired mother stayed in the NICU with her newborns, she received a surprise when Skyler unexpectedly walked into the room.

On February 5, Cydney–hair back, t-shirt and all–was holding one of her babies and casually browsing through her smartphone.

As she slowly turns around, the new mother of twins sees Skyler dressed in uniform with a bouquet of flowers and balloons, especially for her. In a video filming her reaction, Cydney’s jaws drop, and tears begin to shed. “Oh my god!” she says in response, virtually speechless.

“1 year of crazy, 1,000s of miles, 1 solo pregnancy and delivery, 48,392 Skype calls, some superheroes, a few plane rides, 12 NICU days, tons of help from family and friends, and many tears later… A soldier came home,” says Cydney on Facebook, feeling grateful.

At the time of their reunion, Skyler had not seen his wife or the rest of his family for months while he was stationed in Kuwait, thousands of miles away.

On Facebook, Cydney’s reaction to her husband’s surprise hospital visit has earned over 6.4 million views on Facebook. On YouTube, her video on the Good Morning America channel already has over 26,000 views and counting, which barely uploaded last week.

Cyndey has also posted another video on her Facebook page of her military husband surprising their dog and two sons, Leighton and Corbett, at home.

“So happy for the entire family. I have tears of joy for you. Be happy and well sweet family. Thank you, Dad, for working to protect all other families as tears roll down my face,” says one Facebook commenter.

With the successful delivery of twins Emma and Kyla Cooper, who are now doing great, plus a surprise visit from her loving military husband, it’s safe to say that Cydney is enjoying life as a military wife and mother-of-four.

Congratulations on the arrival of your little ones, Skyler and Cydney!

Watch the video below to see Cydney’s tear-jerking reaction.

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