Stranger Gives Car To Student Who Can’t Afford One And Works Two Jobs

When life opens up and throws you something wonderfully unexpected, it’s human nature to be skeptical and have doubts. When something good happens to me, I find myself asking, why me? What did I do to deserve this? Where are the hidden cameras?

When does the host of the show jump out…especially if life has knocked me down a little, and I’m feeling like everything is more difficult than it should be and harder than it needs to be. In the middle of a rough patch, it’s nice to feel like you have a guardian angel or a helping hand to get you through.

Kayla Cooper from El Cajon, San Diego, California, is a nursing student balancing two part-time jobs, looking for a car to drive to get her to work. She was growing tired of always having to make ends meet by borrowing a car from family and friends, feeling like she was just getting by on a wing and a prayer. To add insult to injury, she was going to lose one of her jobs if she couldn’t find a car before the end of the month. Kayla really needed to figure out a plan b, so she headed to the dealership with the high hopes of finding something within her budget.

After talking with the salesman, it was clear that every car on the lot was over her budget. Feeling overwhelmed, upset and unsure of what to do next, she left the dealership crying.

While all this was happening, a kind stranger, Dan Laguardia, was nearby and within earshot. He heard the girl’s plight and decided he wanted to help by giving the girl his car. “The car had more value to her than it did for me trading it in,” says Dan who was bowled over by her story and insisted the salesperson call Kayla back to the dealership.

Upon receiving the call, before she was even back home, Kayla was in shock that a stranger wanted to give her a car at no cost. “I was shaking,” she says. “It’s a whole car; how can someone be so generous to give their car away?” Dan says he just wanted to give her a jumpstart in life, concluding that if everyone did something nice for someone else, we’d be in a much better place. Now that is one incredible random act of kindness!

Click below to see how this sweet story went down!

Source: ABC 10 News

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