UPS Driver Hailed Hero After Finding Collapsed Man And Calling 911

There are heroes everywhere you look. There are people in your very own neighborhood that do exceptional things and don’t even need/want credit for it—they’re just trying to help everyone they can. One example of a local hero is UPS driver Todd Holland.

Todd has been working as a UPS driver for a long time; he usually visits remote and rural areas to deliver packages to the people who don’t have access to postal boxes and offices close by. He is a familiar face in many neighborhoods and he’s made friends throughout the locality.

One day, while working his way through his deliveries in Ashe County, North Carolina, he came to a home where he noticed that a package he delivered a few days ago was still sitting on the porch, no one had picked it up and taken it inside. It turned out that Todd knew the elderly man who lived there, the two had become friends since Todd was frequently making deliveries in the area. Todd says that the elderly man “always greets us on the back porch with a smile and a ‘hi!’ He knew my name.”

The day that Todd noticed the first package sitting on the porch, he didn’t want to leave the second one there as well. He had a gut feeling something was up, so he decided to get to the bottom of it.

The UPS driver explains that he started knocking on the door and yelling out, looking to see if he can get a response. When nothing came from the other side of the door, he decided to open it up. To his surprise, it was unlocked. That’s when he walked in and noticed the elderly man was collapsed on the floor.

Todd immediately called 911 and remained on the scene with the man until paramedics came and took over the situation. Although it’s not clear what happened to the man, he is recovering in the hospital. In the meantime, the kind-hearted delivery man is looking after the homeowner’s dog and house.

After things went array with the elderly gentleman, Todd made it a point to spread a message across his office. He told WXII News that “I made it a point to tell the guys at work this morning, if you deliver to people–and a lot of people that we deliver to, especially in these rural areas, us, the FedEx man and the mailman might be the only people they see during the week. I told them if you realize and get a gut feeling that something is wrong, check it out. It probably is.”

This story is quite remarkable and we’re glad there are people like Todd in the world.

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