Baby Suffers 25 Heart Attacks In One Day, But He’s Making A Brave Recovery

It is our job to look after our health and make sure we’re doing everything possible to stay healthy-exercise, clean eating, and no smoking are some of the crucial ways to ensure that you’re always fit and that your body is seamlessly pumping b***d to your heart. After all, your heart is one of the most important organs in your body.

As adults, it’s so much easier to be mindful of your health and take the precautions you need to take in order to prevent any health scares. But, it’s tough for children, and even their parents, to understand what’s going on when humans as tiny as babies are born with heart conditions and limited ways of staying healthy-some of these scenarios can have devastating effects on families.

19-month-old Theo Fry lives today to tell the tale of the time that he may not have made it out of the hospital’s ICU. His story will make everyone believe in miracles.

Theo had started battling health problems at the tender age of 8-days-old. Mom Fauve Syers remembers one night in May 2017 when he was sleeping and suddenly turned grey and blue. Fauve and her husband Steven called emergency, and their baby was taken to Salford Royal Hospital. Upon further investigation, even the doctors were surprised at what was happening with Theo.

19-month-old Theo Fry started battling health problems at the tender age of 8-days-old. His parents noticed him turning blue and grey while he was sleeping. They immediately called the ambulance. This was in May 2017. 

The news later broke out that Theo had an “interrupted aortic arch,” this means that his heart wasn’t strong enough to pump b***d to the rest of his body. It was also determined that he had two holes in his heart. That night Theo had turned blue and grey as a result of heart failure and it had happened as his severe health conditions were developing. The family was evidently shattered because they were told he won’t make it unless he went through an operation. The baby was then rushed to Alder Hey hospital in Liverpool where he underwent an open heart surgery four days later.

At first, the doctors didn’t know what the issue was. They then determined that Theo has an interrupted aortic arch which is making it difficult for his heart to pump b***d to the rest of his body. They also discovered two holes in his heart. He needed to have open heart surgery. 

Things got trickier during the surgery when Theo experienced his first heart attack mid-operation. Although the operation was complete, the baby, then 12-days-old, remained in the hospital until July 2017, during which time he suffered another cardiac arrest.

Although he was sent home, things weren’t looking up for Fauve, Steven, and their little one. In December of that same year, Theo was admitted back into the hospital for a dangerously high heart rate; he suffered another heart attack, but this time around, his heart stopped beating for a total of 12 minutes. Both of his parents went into a state of shock.

At 12-days-old, Theo had his first open heart surgery during which he experienced his first-ever heart attack. The surgery was successful, but Theo remained in the hospital until July 2017. 

While speaking to the Daily Mail, Fauve remembers exactly what happened on January 31, 2018, after Theo had been in the hospital for over a month: “He was having attack after attack. I knew he couldn’t take much more. Every time it happened, nurses would buzz for the arrest team. He had the most buzzers pressed overnight in intensive care anyone can remember.” That night, Theo had 25 heart attacks, the most anyone has experienced in the UK. The doctors needed to operate-fast!

In December 2017, Theo was brought back to the hospital with a dangerously high heart rate. That night the baby went through a total of 25 cardiac arrests, setting a record for the highest number of heart attacks ever experienced by a person in the UK. He wasn’t expected to make it through the night. 

Theo’s parents were given a traumatizing disclaimer: Theo may not make it out of the surgery, but if they didn’t operate he would definitely pass away.

Dr. Ramana Dhannapueni, the head surgeon, began the operation and noticed that scar tissue was choking up the left ventricle. The team cleared up the tissue, and Theo made a remarkable recovery two days after the operation took place.

Doctors decided that an operation was mandatory to try and save Theo’s life. During the surgery, they discovered that scar tissue was blocking the left ventricle of his heart. They managed to clear that ventricle.

The toddler is now 19-months-old, happy, and living like any other toddler his age would be. He’s a cheerful little boy, strong, and has had quite the journey so far. Both Fauve and Steven are happy that they’re son is leading a normal life after all that he’d been through before even turning 1.

Theo made a speedy recovery two days after the operation, and today he is a happy and strong 19-month-old. 

We wish him a healthy and lovable life ahead-he is an inspiration!

Click on the link below and watch Theo’s parents recount his journey in this touching video.

Source: Daily Mail

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