Dog Is Confused When Owner Initiates Snowball Fight

Who doesn’t like to play in the snow? Regardless of how old you are, you know there’s nothing like getting out of the house, after the first snowfall, making that snowball and chucking at someone to initiate the season’s first snowball fight—I don’t think you’re ever too old for snowball fights. I remember spending hours playing outside with my siblings; our mom would have to drag us in amidst snowball fights that had us drenched by the time we were through—thank goodness for a good pair of snow pants!

There is something about snow that keeps the magic of the holidays alive long after Christmas is over, and I think, that’s the best part about it! Sure, it can get messy and slushy, and you have to shovel up to a foot of it at times, but you can’t deny that it’s not fun to play in! 

It’s not just us humans that get excited about snow and snowballs, though. Even dogs enjoy the white layer of wintery precipitation when it first comes down, and if you think they don’t, then tune in to the video below.

The cute pup is out and about enjoying the first snowfall of the season. Soon enough, his owner decides to start up a game of fetch—but not with a real ball. The owner thinks it would be cool to play fetch with the puppy with a snowball instead. Can you guess what’s going to happen next?

Of course, once the owner throws the snowball at the dog, it disappears into the ground. But, the dog doesn’t know what’s going on. To him, the snowball should have stayed in its form so he could take in into his mouth and bring it back to his owner, thus, starting the game of fetch. That, unfortunately to his disappointment, doesn’t happen.

You can see that the dog is amazed and confused at what just happened and where the “ball” went. He frantically starts looking for the toy in efforts to continue with the game. It’s an adorable watch, but you can’t help but feel sorry for the little guy.

Do you have a pup, or any other pet for that matter, who likes to play in the snow? What’s his/her reaction to a fun snowball fight? Tell us in the comments below, we’d love to read your stories!

In the meantime, click on the video below and watch the snowball fetch game that completely confuses the golden-haired pup!

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