Little Girl Hears Her Favorite Song And Enjoys Every Second Of It

When my favorite song comes on, I’m adamant that everything and everyone around me needs to immediately “shhhh!” That volume knob gets turned up, the window is rolled down, and I’ll sing at the top of my lungs, especially if it’s a tune I haven’t heard in a while. There’s something magical and uplifting about vocals layered on a melody with solid, relatable lyrics that touch your heart and bring up old memories or create new ones.

And it’s irrelevant how old you are. Young, elderly, and any age in between, music is wonderfully invasive in that it can move you, from wherever you are or how firmly grounded you think you are. It has the power to move you literally, to the point where you want to get off your seat and dance at a party, and even spiritually, where you’re so taken by the song that you forget everything in your surroundings. 

This little girl is the perfect example of that–she genuinely gets swept away in the song and her mom was nice enough to record the moment and share! Now, I imagine I probably look like this when I think no one is around! Mom caught her daughter lost in a moment in the backseat, and it’s over-the-top cute. The little girl is 2-years-old, and she’s feeling all sorts of ways listening to and belting out this Christian rock song. The video opens to her with her eyes closed, in a moment far away from planet earth, when the song’s uplifting buildup breaks, and drops and she is fully immersed with her heart open, and hands held high.

You can tell that she’s listened to this song multiple times, and it’s not the first time she’s lost herself in the tune. The only difference this time is that she’s being recorded, and I’m not even sure she knows!

This is such a tender, precious moment. It is a testament to the power of music, and how it can resonate on a soul level – whatever music it is that you like! It can stop you in your tracks, and seamlessly write itself into the soundtrack of your life.

Click on the video below for a sneak peek at a moment everyone can relate to.

Source: FaithTap

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