Newly Weds Put On Fun Dance Performance For Wedding Guests

The great thing about weddings in the 21st-century is that no two receptions are exactly alike. Every couple has a different way of doing things depending on the theme of the reception, their personalities, and how many guests are expected to be there. Some receptions are formal and drawn out while others might be casual and only a few hours long.

As for couple Trent and Annalisa, they had a fairly typical wedding reception and it started with a formal first dance as husband and wife. However, the inner wild in each of them didn’t want to leave their guests on a soppy, mushy-gushy note, so they decided to change their outfits and amp up the crowd with an unforgettable performance instead!

Before the surprise performance even starts, the guests begin cheering the second “Footloose” by Blake Shelton began to play on the speakers. Seconds later, out comes the groom in unusual groom attire: a white suit with khaki dress pants.

The next thing the guests know, Trent is busting out some sweet dance moves and lip-syncing along to the lyrics of the song. For a groom that probably had quite a few nerves at the wedding ceremony, he’s making this reception performance seem like a piece of cake—it’s like he’s done it a thousand times before!

While the crowd loved Trent and his on-stage confidence, a dance partner would suffice. That’s when his lovely now-wife came out in a short, lacey dress with brown cowgirl boots, smiling brightly as she began busting moves of her own.

Then here comes my favorite part! Once the song hits the lyrics, “Please Louise, pull me off of my knees,” Annalisa kicks Trent down as he’s lip-syncing to her while on his knees. She sure did pull him off of his knees, alright!

Not long after, the adorable husband and wife begin dancing together with one another. Something important to note, I notice a difference in Annalisa from when she first came out until later in the clip: she is much more comfortable and into the performance!

As the song is nearing the end, Trent urges all of the wedding guests on stage with them. Seeing all of the energy and excitement in each of the guests is a major difference from having everyone seated and choking up as the newly-weds slow dance, that’s for sure!

Check out Trent and Annalisa Brookshier’s second “first” dance in the video clip below! Did you, or would you, do something similar at your own wedding?

Source: ShareTap

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