Man Leaves Wife For Younger Woman. Then He Bumps Into Ex One Year Later.

In the beginning of a relationship, both parties might be extra concerned about having proper hygiene, looking their best every time they see their partner, and saying all the right things at all the right times. However, as a relationship progresses and life’s many stresses take center stage, it’s normal to get more comfortable with one another.

For one married man, he noticed that his wife was not physically the same as she was at the start of their relationship. He described her as “flabby” and “unkept.” He also mentioned that she “didn’t shave” and had “droopy breasts.” In turn of these changes, he admitted that he no longer found her attractive. All of these things are the last any woman would want to hear, especially coming from the man that said “I do” at the altar.

Instead of loving his wife for who she is on the inside and taking the time to rekindle their broken relationship, the man decided it was time to find someone who would take better care of herself. So, that’s exactly what he did with a younger, “more beautiful” woman.

A year after the man left his wife, he saw her on the streets one day, looking more beautiful than ever before. It was from that day forward that he realized that due to his selfish act, he had given up on his true love for a shallow trade-off.

“[My ex-wife] was glowing and had lost weight. She was once again beautiful. She no longer showed the wear-and-tear of the years.”

Little did the man know that before he left his wife the reason her appearance changed had nothing to do with her not caring about her relationship with him. He realized that it was due to the stress, fatigue, and time constraints that came with raising their children.

“She got cellulite because she no longer had time to go to the gym. She had to take care of our kids at home. She didn’t have time to dress nicely. The little time she did have, she gave to me and forgot to take care of herself,” he said, “I was foolish to trade true beauty for the superficial.”

According to the man, this important lesson he learned about true love came too late, but he still shares his message with others, hoping that they will think twice before they make a similar mistake.

Watch the video below to learn more about the man’s story and the important message behind it.

Please spread this valuable lesson on social media by sharing the video! One man’s karma is another man’s lecture.

Source: FaithTap

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