Girl In Red Steals The Show At Christmas Concert

You just have to let loose every now and then. You have to let your hair down or stay in your sweatpants and sing at the top of your lungs and dance horribly to your favorite music. There are times where you really have to not care and do you.

The little girl in the video down below decided that she would sing at the top of her lungs and dance without a care in the world, but the difference between you and her is that this little girl did it on stage, all while she was supposed to participate in what seems to be a choreographed routine.

8-year-old Lucy Cardillo was performing at her school’s Christmas concert along with dozens of classmates, and she was going all out in the spotlight. While there are numerous children, it was she who stole the show.

All of the children begin facing back, but when they turn around and start to sing to the song-a children’s Christmas song called “Blitzen’s ********* t***he little girl in the red dress and side ponytail who instantly has everyone’s eyes on her.

Right away, the little girl is moving a lot more passionately than all her other classmates. She’s having the time of her life as she dances to the song like there’s no tomorrow. Her hilarious performance isn’t missed, and people laugh (in a non-mean way, of course) at the way she boogies.

You can hear her mom, Kelly Cardillo, who captured the video, laughing as she does so. She, too, thinks her daughter’s performance is grand.

What makes her performance even more hilarious is her facial expressions! She smiles widely and looks almost aggressive at times. She stands out, and because of how expressive she is, she seems big amongst her classmates, and you can’t help but laugh.

We’re not the only ones who adored her performance, though. One comment read, “Move over. That girl needs some room!” We think she needed the stage to herself. Another comment read, “I am SCREAMING with laughter!’ So were we!

This truly is one of the best videos to watch around this time, to really make you smile and laugh. This little girl was unafraid to go all out, and we only hope she’s not too embarrassed when she looks back at this ten years from now because she brought us a lot of joy!

This is one video you won’t want to miss, and one you’ll want to share with those you love to make them laugh. To watch Lucy’s unforgettable performance, click the video below. Warning: Your stomach will hurt from laughter.

Source: FaithTap

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