We all know Simon Cowell can be a little intimidating. The guy’s been around the block; worked with incredible talent; launched mega careers and created megastars. Having to stand before him and a panel of judges is enough to make anyone feel vulnerable and exposed. That’s why coming in prepared and with your biggest smile and superstar attitude (hey, sometimes you gotta fake it til you make it!) is so important in setting you apart and getting your foot in the door.
From the moment they walked in, Irish brothers Sean and Conor, 15 and 17 respectively, lit up the room with their good vibes. Not only do they ooze potential before they open their mouths, but it’s also what they give during their performance that floors everyone.
Made famous by legend Jimi Hendrix (but originally written by Bob Dylan), Sean and Conor adapted “All Along the Watchtower” and made it unmistakably theirs. Channeling their own inner rock star, the two-step before the judges and begin to let it rip. Sean’s vocals sing a verse from Jimi’s song, and immediately, the judges’ eyes widen. Don’t let Sean’s baby face fool you. He’s got vocals that wail and whine and have power, taking over the lyrics and winning over the judges. Then, Conor jumps in but not in the way anyone expected.
The teen is “rapping” the next part that they wrote together. His voice is low and fast-moving, but concise. He’s rapping about hard work and being a poor boy growing up in the world before getting a little existential and then bringing it back to score a record deal. The words are entertaining, lighthearted, yet poignant and true! It’s the perfect break before Sean jumps back in to sing the next verse of Jimi’s lyrics.
The duo has successfully managed to merge a psychedelic, hard rock 60s classic with their own brand of sound and songwriting. By the end of their performance, the judges were speechless with big smiles on their faces. Everyone had very positive comments to say, including stone cold Simon who confessed, “This is probably one of the best auditions we’ve had…I don’t want to change a single thing from what I saw and heard today… What I love about you is that it’s all coming from you.” Well said, Simon!
Click the video below to watch Sean and Conor stun the judges with their unique approach and one-of-a-kind sound.