Our pets might understand us better than we think. Just because we don’t speak the same language, doesn’t mean they can’t pick up on our feelings of happiness or sadness. My cat can sense from a mile away when I need cuddles and she always knows to stay away when I haven’t had a coffee yet.
Yep, sometimes it’s our pets who know us best. And in this video, we get to see one such pet who really knows his family well. So well, he’s able to fit right in by making fun of his human brother. I’ve never seen something like this happen before, and it’s downright hilarious.
The video opens to a teenage boy hobbling into the room on crutches. He’s got his right leg bandaged and in a cast all the way up to his knee, rendering him unable to move too fast or too far. His weight is balanced on his one good leg as he makes his way across the living room. The boy looks like he suffered a pretty severe injury, but it hasn’t got his spirits down too much.
Making his way through the living room, right behind the boy, is the family dog, Sawyer. Sawyer is fluffy, and a light golden color and he’s loyally following his owner. Now, normally dogs would be hurrying, and leaping and chasing their owner, panting and with their tongue out, barking and just generally being their happy-go-lucky-selves. Not today though. Sawyer is doing something a little cheeky!
This funny dog is following after his owner without the usual (and literal!) bounce in his step. Actually, he is mimicking his owner’s limp by walking behind the teenager like he has one of his own! The sweet dog is doing his best limping impression by bobbing his head up and down, and placing his body weight on one paw before putting the other in front. How the dog picked up this behavior is beyond me.
At first, it appears as though Sawyer is making fun of the boy on crutches, but maybe it’s more of a show of sympathy. It’s his way of showing compassion for the teen, the best way he knows how. Whatever it is, it’s darn funny and quite amazing! What a hilarious pooch!
Click on the video below to watch Sawyer the dog put on his best impression of his owner hobbling around on one leg. This dog has quite a sense of humor!