Bride And Groom Pose For Wedding Photos When Bridesmaids Rush In With 10 Puppies

There’s nothing quite like when a brand new puppy shows up in your life. They’re so little and warm, and cuddly, and just so darn cute you want to smush your face with their face and have the cutest puppy face smushing session ever!!!!! There’s no denying the immense sweetness of a moment like this.

But, what if you could make this moment exponentially better? Like 10x better, make it so you never ever forget just how mind-blowing and amazing it is to nuzzle up and get all smushy-wushy with a furry puppy?

Well, for starters, you need to be sneaky. Any good wedding planner knows that popping in a few elements of surprise is a sure fire way to delight the bride and groom and make their big day extra big. And when the sister of the bride is the planner, she has the upper hand and knows exactly what to do. It’s basically foolproof.

At Alli and Kevin’s wedding in Oklahoma, USA, the two did really cute and memorable things for each other and their guests to up the ante on the awesomeness of their day. Alli got personalized sneakers for each of her bridesmaids and rather than write a note professing his undying love for his new wife, Kevin recorded it so she can listen to it forever. Yeah, these two are pretty cute, and things are about to get a whole lot cuter!

Both Alli and Kevin love animals and bonded over their love for dogs when they were dating. In fact, Alli is such a big animal lover that she mentioned she wanted to somehow bring in puppies to be a part of the wedding day. It was an idea she had but it got left behind. There were so many more important things to consider and that took priority…but her sister remembered.

As the bride and groom are taking their photos, all the bridesmaids show up ready and dolled up for their photos with the happy couple, except there are ten more guests. Neither Alli nor Kevin had any idea that the bridesmaids had been planning to show up with puppies – 10 of them! Each bridesmaid is holding a different pupper and it’s the biggest, cutest surprise ever. Just watch Alli’s eyes pop out of her head, they are seriously in a state of shock!

Click on the video below to watch this huge surprise perfectly come together!

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