Dog’s Smells Late Owner’s Belongings And It’s Making Everyone Emotional

As a dog owner, it’s hard to deny the bond that I have with my own dogs and I imagine that many people would feel the same. Unlike many dogs, my pups are not particularly friendly or outgoing; they don’t greet every person the meet with a big grin and a wagging tail. Because of their rescue backgrounds, they are all a little bit shy around strangers and can take time to warm up to new people.

However, when it comes to me or the few other people that they know well, they are absolutely thrilled to have human company. When I arrive home, even if I have only been gone for a matter of minutes, they can barely contain their excitement and I can’t even get through the door without making sure everyone gets some cuddles and attention. They have a connection with me and it’s a very special bond.

My pups are so attached to me that I hate to think what would happen to them if something happened to me. I’m confident that someone in my family would continue to look after them, but their strongest bond is with me. Would they miss me? Would they remember me after a period of time? The little dog in this story answers these questions, and it’s bittersweet.

Paquito the Chihuahua loves his humans, and they love him, too. He shared a particularly special bond with his human “dad” who sadly passed away in 2012. His dad was his person and his protector, and even carried him around in his pocket when he was a puppy. Paquito understands what it is to be loved very much, but things have never quite been the same without his loving dad. He was very fortunate that the rest of his family cares for him very much, and Paquito never faced life without people who would look after him.

Paquito’s family was also devastated at his owner’s passing and held on to some of his belongings. Recently, they had to go through a box of his old clothes that had become wet, and when they pulled the items out of the box, little Paquito recognized a familiar smell. When he sensed the nearness of his favorite human, he immediately began snuggling with the clothing.

He stayed with the clothes for a while and didn’t want to leave them. Watch the incredibly sweet moment in the video below and please like and share!

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