Keep Your Dog Itch Free With A Simple Do-It-Yourself Spray Solution

Most dog owners absolutely love their dogs and would do anything to keep them happy and healthy. That sometimes means buying them expensive food, taking special care of them when they are sick, and getting them treated with proper veterinary care. However, sometimes a dog’s health issue isn’t particularly serious and can be solved by a simple home solution rather than expensive products bought from a pet store.

It’s not uncommon for a dog to have some minor health issues over the years, and while you should always get them checked by a vet first, there are things you can do to help your dog that is sometimes easier and cheaper than store-bought products. As the weather grows colder and the air becomes drier, dogs may suffer from itchy skin.

Not only is your dog’s constant scratching annoying for you, the owner, but it is also uncomfortable for your poor pup. The itching could come from a variety of sources and a vet trip is probably a good idea. But, there is a simple solution that may give your pup some immediate relief.

My favorite home remedies for animals and people are those that use only a few, inexpensive ingredients. No one wants to spend a bunch of time looking for strange ingredients that end up costing more time, money, and energy than just buying something from the store. Fortunately, this recipe is about as easy as it gets, using a combination of only three simple, cheap, and easy-to-locate ingredients.

You’ll need the three ingredients, plus one extra item:

1/2 cup apple cider vinegar
1/2 cup green tea
1 cup distilled water
Spray bottle

You might already have one or more of these in your home, but if not, they are easy to find at the grocery store. Once you have your ingredients together, follow these simple steps:

Put the apple cider vinegar in a bowl.

Following the instructions, prepare your green tea using boiling water. Allow it to steep for enough time and give it a few minutes to cool.

Then, add your green tea to the bowl with the apple cider vinegar.

Finally, add the distilled water to the mixture and put the whole thing in your spray bottle. You’ll want to give it a gentle shake before each use to be sure the ingredients are mixed.

Spray a small amount on your dog’s itchy skin for instant relief. Make sure that your dog doesn’t lick the mixture off and be sure to consult your vet if it’s needed.

Watch the video below to learn how to make this simple anti-itch spray.

Source: Shared

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