Woman Tells Dog To “Bark Softly,” Pup’s Comeback Has Internet In Splits Of Laughter

Anybody who has a dog teaches them the basic tricks—sit, jump, high five, stay, roll over, and play dead. There are, of course, those who will go above and beyond and teach them how to bring their owners an item, how to jump through a hoop, or even open/close a door.

The woman in the video below taught her dog to do something we’ve never seen before. If you haven’t taught your dog how to do this, you might want to learn because you may feel a little jealous towards the end.

Despite how incredible this trick is, it’s also kind of funny! You can’t help but laugh at the fact that this dog knows how to do something so funny.  So, what is it? What’s this cool trick I’m talking about? This owner taught her dog how to bark softer and softer, until he’s barking a whisper, at her command.

The video begins with the woman recording her dog, who barks. “Is this how you bark?” She asks, so he barks again. Then she asks, “You can bark a little softer, right?” And to our surprise, he does.

She asks again, “Can you bark [even] softer?” And he lets out an even softer bark that makes everyone laugh. “Softer, softer,” she says again, and the dog lets out a whisper of a bark that just makes you laugh harder.

Finally, she says, “You’re so cute, so cute,” and the dog lets out a bark that really doesn’t sound like a bark at all. It sounds like he’s just letting out a breath or a sigh.

It’s beyond us how this woman taught her dog such an amazing and funny trick, but we’re glad she decided to share this video. The trick must come in handy when she’s got guests over and the dog decides to bark loud, or when she’s trying to take a nap! It’s even great for the mailman who may have been barked at a few times the moment he comes to the doorstep.

Isn’t this a trick you’d like to teach your dogs?

Some of the comments below the video say, “(soft wow)” and, “That’s literally the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.” It is!

If you’d like to hear this dog bark softer, progressively on command, click the video down below. You won’t regret taking 30 seconds out of your day to watch this one!

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