5 Girls Throw Together Epic Irish Jig Dance Routine

What makes for a good slumber party? First, you need your best friends! Next, lots and lots of fun snacks to munch on. Then you need some fun activities to do, like watching movies or playing games. After all, the point of a slumber party is to get to know your friends better. It’s a fun way to spend more time under the same roof and forge closer bonds.

And no two slumber parties are the same. These girls have definitely upped the ante on the kind of fun experienced at such festivities. They have a whole different idea of how to have their own good time.

When the one girl asked mom if she could have her best friends over for a sleepover, I don’t think mom expected that they would choreograph a full-on routine to pass the time. Gone are the days of gossiping and telling scary stories. But, I guess that’s what happens when you and your besties all go dancing class together–you coordinate a show! But before they do anything, the girls put on matching pajamas and hairdos. They have to look like a unified dance troupe first.

Step two. Align and coordinate their moves so they can pull off a really good performance. Set to “Shut Up and Dance With Me” by Walk the Moon, these girls knew which moves to put where and practiced a pretty solid routine. When they were ready to show off the final product, mom was asked to be the camerawoman, and the rest is up to them.

They are all dancers, but more specifically, they’re used to doing the Irish jig. They start in a traditional formation at the back of the room before making their way to the front together. They are in sync and with huge smiles on their faces. Once they’re at the front, their feet and legs move with speed and precision. The first girl sets the pace, as the others follow suit before breaking off into pairs and running back into the room to do their own separate dance moves. They end in a fun formation that ties up their impromptu performance on a high note. Not bad for a sleepover at all!

Click the video below to watch these girls pull out a really entertaining dance routine like it’s no big deal.

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