Daughter Has Sassy Comeback When Dad Calls Her “Princess”

At one point or another, plenty of little girls have looked up or been compared to princesses. Either through fairy tales, Disney movies or pop culture, there’s a reference at the beginning of a little’s girl’s life. After all, they’re pretty and fun, and it’s nice to dress up and be treated like royalty!

JoJo Lomelino’s dad likes to call her “his princess.” He says it as a term of affection and love, but Jojo is very upfront about how she wants to be addressed. She is one steadfast little girl who commandeers the conversation and sets her dad straight. Her sassy, shoot straight-from-the-hip attitude is clear, and after listening to her side of the story, there’s no way you can misunderstand her. Jojo has a “princess theory,” and she’s sticking to it. But, can dad keep up?

It all started with this video where dad’s got the camera on Jojo, and she gets right into it, “No, you cannot call me ‘my princess,’ ok dad?” He retorts, “I wanna call you a princess.” This is where Jojo breaks down and decides to reveal the truth to dad. It’s time he knows. But, before she spills, she tells him, “Don’t say anything.”

According to Jojo, she’s not a princess because they have prettier dresses. “This is not a dress-up dress, this is just a normal one.” She’s referring to the bright pink frilly dress she’s wearing in the video, that apparently isn’t very up to par. Also, “…they have bracelets. Sparkly bracelets. And I don’t have a bracelet.” Sorry dad, but her logic is sound.

Oh, and headbands. Sparkly ones of course. Princesses have sparkly headbands, dad. He insists they have to take them off to have showers, but she’s certain princess don’t take showers. She cuts him off, “I said… don’t ask me anything or don’t talk.” She’s really sure about this one! Even after dad says he’s a king which by default makes her a princess, “Only movies have princesses.”

Even Katy Perry is in on the conversation. After catching wind of Jojo’s video, she’s decided to spread the message and help the girl out a bit.

Click below to watch the original video. Jojo sure knows how to prove a point and get her way!

Source: ShareTap

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