Mom’s Bleached Hair And Blue Eyeshadow Get Much-Needed Transformation, Shaving Years Off Her Age

Mustering the motivation to change the look you’ve had for years is scary. I’ve had my long brown hair for what seems like forever, it’s become my trademark! When you’ve looked at the same style in the mirror day in and day out, changing it up can be drastic. You’re comfortable with what you’ve got and it’s been working for you so far, right? Why change a good thing? Especially if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!

Well, that’s one way of looking at things – and it’s the safe way. On the other hand, sometimes you have to shake things up and add a little flair to your look, especially if it’s one you’ve had for decades. After all, variety is the spice of life and you only live once, so why not take a chance and try something new?

For 20 years, Chicago police officer Deborah has had the same exact look. She’s been bleaching her hair bright white and applying make up as if she was on her way out for a night on the town, circa 1974. Her sister Sandy contacted the “Oprah Show,” begging the host to get her sister on the show for a “make-under.” She wanted her to revamp Deborah’s look and bring her back to the current day and age! “She has this white hair, she wears this heavy eye makeup, white frosted eyeshadow. She’s so pretty, but all you see is this white stuff comin’ at ya,” says Sandy.

Deborah agreed to go on the show, but she was concerned about giving up her heavy black eyeliner, white and blue frosted eye shadow, brilliant white hair color and the pantyhose underneath her jeans. She was saying that this is her way of expressing herself. Of course, change doesn’t come without hesitation and fear, but Deborah concedes and leaves it up to the specialists to work their magic.

As part of her “makeunder,” she had to ditch the bleach and toss the pastel eyeshadow! Her new look? Unrecognizable. Deborah comes out onto the stage, twirling and loving the new her. She looks years younger, more vibrant, less harsh and much more vivacious! Her face has more color and tone, and even her clothing is more up to date. Simple and stylish.

Oprah’s co-host asks Deborah, “Will the guys at work recognize you as a police officer?” To which she responds, “I’ll find out tomorrow!” I think each and every one of them will do a double take! How can you not? Deborah’s look is a complete 180.

Click the video below to see this mega transformation take place!

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