14 Dogs Nearly Drown During Hurricane Florence Until Coast Guards Make Heroic Rescue

With all of the devastating news surrounding North Carolina’s Hurricane Florence, it’s nice to hear about all the good people have done to help those in need. In fact, in a recent rescue, a team of U.S. Coast Guards set sail to save over a dozen dogs. This group included 10 beagles and four pit bulls. This moment was sentimental, and there’s video proof.

One woman’s trailer parker was almost completely underwater. Josephine Horne, the owner of the 10 beagles, fled for safety to a relative’s house when the situation got worse. But, when she came back to her trailer, Josephine noticed that many of her pups were almost drowning. With the water surrounding the entire trailer park, the inside of her home, and beyond, there wasn’t much that she could do.

Shortly later, a crew of Coast Guards pulled up and quickly saved all 10 beagles. The rescue though wasn’t a cakewalk. Even after being placed in the vessel, some of the canines would attempt to escape back into the water whether it be due to fear or a simple misunderstanding. But in the end, all 10 dogs were safe and sound.

According to Coast Guard Mitchell Moretti, “If we would have gotten here just a few minutes later, I don’t know if these guys would have made it.”

But unfortunately, these dogs weren’t the only ones in trouble. A nearby neighbor’s had four pit bulls struggling to stay on safe grounds. The guards saved them too.

In response to the miraculous rescue of both her and her neighbor’s beloved dogs, Josephine responded, “There are some things you can’t replace.”

These rescue stories come as times of celebration when disaster strikes. But when these animals are saved, other issue arises: whether or not they can be cared for and are well-fed until they’re sent home with their original owners.

Donating to non-profit organizations to help the victims of Hurricane Florence (animals and people included) get back on their feet is one way you can be of aid during this time. Know that every little donation counts.

Learn more about this tear-jerking dog rescue in the video clip below. After watching, please share the video on social media, and ask your family and friends to donate to those affected by the hurricane.

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