Judges Turn Their Chairs After Singer’s First Note

Some things just get better with age! Like a fine wine, right? But, what about things like confidence and vocal ability? When we get older, we become more comfortable in our own skin. There’s less pressure to have to prove yourself or feel like you have to fit in somewhere. With age comes wisdom and the understanding that if you’ve made it this far, you can be loud and proud and show off what you’ve got.

Louis Windzak immigrated to the Netherlands when he was 29. He is now 61 but, he’s been in show business and performing on stage since he was a teen. Originally from Suriname, he’s been dubbed the “Surinamese Otis Redding,” and today he’s standing on stage for his blind audition on “The Voice Seniors.” The moment he opens his mouth, it’s easy to see why he’s going to go far.

He’s not singing Otis Redding, but he is pulling out an old classic that wows the audience. He’s got a little James Brown, “I Feel Nice,” up his sleeve and is ready to delight. It’s safe to say that the man is a sight to be seen! He is dapper and dressed to the nines wearing a shiny gold suit overtop a stylish burgundy shirt and matching striped tie. He’s even got a tie clip and a few chunky gold rings for added flair.

The music starts, and the judges’ backs are turned towards the stage. Louis raises his mic to let out a little signature James Brown yelp, and the judges are already smitten. Then he breaks into the first line, and just like how dominoes go down, each judge slammed and turned barely one second apart! Louis has barely made it past the first four words of the song and he’s already got the attention of not one, not two, but ALL four judges.

They are thrilled at the sight of this incredible man with a booming voice. As if it wasn’t enough to turn each judge around, now he’s got each one standing and dancing in their seat! Everyone’s got a huge smile on their face and they are loving this man’s show! Louis is a natural performer with a gift to share, his performance is anything but boring and he hit this one out of the park!

Click below to watch Louis rock the stage and get everyone grooving. What a smooth operator, he makes it look so easy.

Source: FaithTap

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