Dad Buys Toolbox Instead Of Lunchbox For Son

The natural mother-father relationship with their child is that mom is typically the nurturer and protector, always trying to keep the baby safe, whereas dad is the link to the outside world. He’s the first human in the baby’s immediate bubble to help the baby see beyond what’s in front of him/her, and reach out of his/her comfortable safety zone to learn.

It’s a beautiful dynamic that works, but always causes a little bit of friction with new parents! This video is a hilarious testament to this concept when dad comes up with a hilarious solution to an issue that sends mom for a loop.

Mom wants a new lunchbox for their son, so she sends dad out on a mission to go get their son a lunchbox! “Well, guess who’s just had a massive argument with the missus cause I’ve lost our lad’s lunchbox. Now I‘ve been demanded out of the house to go get a new one….”

So, off he goes on his quest, and isn’t very pleased with what he’s found at the first store that sells lunchboxes – they’re too expensive, they’re not nice-looking, and he just isn’t thrilled with the selection. He decides to try another spot. A home hardware store where he picks up a toolbox that he thinks does the trick and is less than half the price of the lunch kit he saw!

Upon walking in the front door, mom makes comments asking what took him so long and “what were you out doing?” The moment she sets eyes on the toolbox, her tone changes. She’s laughing and giggling, “What is that in your hand? That is not a lunchbox…” She’s killing herself laughing. “I cannot carry that around. You’ve bought a toolbox as a lunchbox?!”

She can’t see how it’s supposed to work as a lunchbox and asks dad to go do something about it. He takes it, and says, “You’re going to eat your words.” Then, he disappears into the kitchen and comes back. What he’s done is genius, and between the laughter and crying and crying with laughter, mom admits, his nifty solution is genius!

I don’t want to give it away because I think it’s worth watching the clip to see exactly what dad’s solution is!

So, click below to watch this brilliant idea in motion. Extra points for dad on this one! It’s just way too good!

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