Man Performs Dance Routine On Treadmill

When running on a treadmill comes to mind, what do you think? The words that may come to your mind may be “exhausting,” “sweaty,” “repetitive,” or even “boring.” While running on a treadmill is a great way to work out, many would rather sit on the couch than to so-called “torture” themselves on a treadmill. (Anything but that, right?)

But, not all workouts have to be strenuous and unappealing. In one video, a man on a treadmill did something very different for his workout when he combined his running routine with dance! The video has earned over 140,000 views and counting.

Professional dancer, Harout Solakian, first appeared in his gone-viral video wearing traditional workout gear: a tank top, shorts, and athletic shoes. Typical workout stuff. If you don’t look at the title of the video nor know what is going to happen, you’d assume that he’d just be running on the treadmill like everyone else. You may even presume that something would happen like he’d trip and slip off the treadmill. But, no!

Instead, this man has Indian music pumping in the background, and is swiftly plopped onto the treadmill, instantly beginning to bust some dance moves perfectly in-sync with the fast-paced music! Even from his first few moves, I instantly knew I would love his little performance.

Even as the music shifted, Harout evolved with it, implementing some new moves. From every step and each movement he took, I was completely impressed. I particularly loved the choreography when he would pretend to push, pull, and twist something in the air as he moved. While the dance routine itself is great, what made it ten times better was the addition of the treadmill.

To be honest, I watched this video probably five times in a row. Now, I just wish I had a treadmill at home, so I can embarrassingly give something like this a go (in private where nobody is watching my failed attempts).

Overall, I think Harout’s treadmill dance was inspiring. I think it proves that even if you find running on a treadmill boring, you can still have fun with it. But hey, that goes for other workouts too: squats, lunges, pushups, situps, planks, you name it. You just have to find what will make your workout more enjoyable for you!

Check out the treadmill dance in the video below. What did you think? Does this guy have moves or what? I think it was the best two minutes of my day.

Inspire your friends with this unique workout by sharing it on social media while you’re at it!

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