Calm Dad Opens Gift From Daughter That Has Mom Wailing At The Top Of Her Lungs

My mom is a character. She just has this very colorful way of expressing herself when she’s happy, and even more so when she’s really, really happy! Actually, even when she’s angry or sad, but it’s more fun when she’s in a good mood. And, way more entertaining. Everything is exaggerated, her voice shoots up a couple of octaves, and her hand gestures are more pronounced. Sometimes, there’s even a happy dance!

So, it comes as no surprise to me watching this video that this new grandma literally hit the roof when she got some seriously unexpected news. She was thrown for a curveball in the best way possible and her reaction is pure gold.

Dad and mom are sitting in the kitchen with their family dog, daughter, and her partner. Dad gets handed a gift, and his daughter urges him to read the outside of the card out loud as everyone waits in radio silence. Dad opens the box, and begins, “You’ll need these shoes because this present is to keep you speedy for many years to come…” Everyone exchanges a few chuckles and laughs. Mom is quiet while she pets and kisses the dog. Dad finally opens the card and reads, “Grandpa,” when mom’s face drops. She starts to mutter, “Oh my gosh…Oh my gosh…” He continues, “Some birthdays are more special than others…” And it’s at this exact moment, mom starts to lose it.

She throws her head back and lets out a huge scream. That’s right, a full on hoot and holler that takes everyone by surprise! Her reaction is one of joy and happiness, but also, lots of disbelief! She’s blown away and so excited about what’s to come. The dog is visibly scared, and she puts him down to run over and give her daughter a hug. She’s jumping around, exclaiming “Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh,” while dad tries to be a rock and keep reading. He’s laughing at this point, happy but also watching his wife have a complete freakout.

Her cries turn into tears, asking if this is true, her voice high and cracking, and still in shock. This is a really funny video where dad remains cool, calm and collected as mom is overcome with emotion. What a sweet family with good news on the way!

Click below to watch this hilarious pregnancy reveal go down.

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