Brushtail Possum Tries To Sneak Off With Snack

I’m not a huge fan of going to the hardware store. That’s because if I need to buy something from a hardware store, there’s probably something that I need to fix or a large project that needs to be done. I don’t really enjoy doing repairs or large projects, though I’m always happy when they’re done and pleased that I took the time to do it myself.

But, if the hardware store happened to have adorable animals like the one in this video, I wouldn’t mind going at all! As one customer browses the plant section of an Australian hardware store, she notices a “cheeky” little friend. An adorable Brushtail Possum was raiding the plants and enjoying a little snack!

The Brushtail Possum is a relatively large and fuzzy possum with pointy ears, and unlike what we think of possums here in North America, the Brushtail Possum fits its name with a fluffy, bushy tail. While many people find the American possum to be ugly (I think they’re adorable!), the Brushtail Possum is undeniably cute. They are found in a variety of habitats in many places in Australia, including wooded areas along Australia’s east coast, eastern South Australia, and south-west Western Australia.

Like the North American possum, the Brushtail Possum has adapted well to live alongside humans, even in suburban areas. These highly adaptable animals are nocturnal, usually coming out at night to snack on their favorite foods that include flowers, fruit, buds, and leaves of native plants. They’re particularly partial to mistletoe, which is a really good thing. This is because mistletoe is a parasite that can kill gum trees, and the Brushtail Possum helps to protect gum trees by eating, and therefore controlling, the growth of mistletoe.

Usually, Brushtail Possums spend their days sleeping in a den in a hollow dead branch, tree trunk, fallen log, the ground, or any other convenient structure. So, it was rare to find one hanging out in a hardware store in Brisbane, happily munching on tomato and strawberry plants. The customers were careful not to bother or disturb the little critter, as they are protected in Australia. Encounters are not uncommon, but it’s still a rare treat to see one this close and during the daytime.

This little guy may be a thief, but I’d happily let him steal snacks from me, anytime! Watch the adorable Brushtail Possum in the video below and share his antics with family and friends!

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