Film Crew Waits As Gorilla Stops Traffic To Help His Family Cross The Road

When I think of a wildlife photographer, I have visions of high tech, state of the art cameras being held by a photographer hiding in the bush, capturing a pack of cheetahs whizzing by to pounce on gazelles. I imagine high energy, exciting adventures that consist of planes, trains, and automobiles to remote destinations where photographers are always on the move, trying to keep up with exotic animals in foreign lands. Most of this is true, but that’s really only one side of the story. While squishing into a tiny canoe and floating down the Amazon river to take pictures of anacondas sounds exciting, there is a lot, A LOT of patience and being on standby involved.

It’s a waiting game because you’re on their time, not your own. Wildlife photographers have to be on a stakeout, and just patiently hang out until their “models” decide they want to make an appearance!

Wildlife photographer, Gordon Buchanan, has been doing this for a while and knows full well what he’s gotten himself into. Gordon has plenty of patience, and it’s paid off over the years. In the video, the esteemed photographer is on location, and he’s waiting for the perfect moment to snap a family of Silverback gorillas who are nearby. And, that’s when it happened.

Everything is set up and ready to go when the leader of the pack, a huge 1,500-pound gorilla emerges from the jungle. He is confident in his stance, effectively blocking the road by standing right in the middle of it. Gordon and his crew are behind their cameras, astounded by the creature’s grandiose magnificence. But, what is he doing?

The traffic has been stopped, and the gorilla remains steadfast. Seconds later, a group of gorillas slowly appear, seemingly out of nowhere. They had been standing in the jungle just off to the side, waiting for the leader of the family to guide them out. Sure enough, a trail of big, small, male and female gorillas come out to cross the road safely and soundly. The leader stays there until everyone has passed, holding his ground, ensuring everyone is safe. “Despite there’s a road running through, this is still his jungle. I love it,” says Gordon of the incredible sight he just witnessed. It oftentimes takes a while to capture that perfect shot or moment, but Gordon and his crew are thrilled to have been a part of this particular encounter! More like astounded, actually.

Click below to watch this massive gorilla make way for his family coming through.

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