Driver Is Determined To Get Gas After Parking Too Far From Gas Pump

I’m going to admit something that I’m a little ashamed of — I am a bad driver. However, at the risk of bringing something unlucky on myself, I can also say that I have never been in an accident, at least not a serious accident. This makes me either very careful or a very slow, defensive driver.

When my friends are leaving somewhere as a group and we are driving separately, it’s not uncommon for everyone to tell me to leave first on my own, that way I won’t be too far behind everyone else. I drive so slow that even when I leave earlier, I will still be the last one to arrive.

I’m not sure exactly what it is that makes me a “bad” driver. Sure, I haven’t been in any serious accidents but I also have had more flat tires than most people. For some reason, I can never seem to avoid the huge potholes in the road. And, because I’m afraid of oncoming traffic, I tend to drive much too far to the right and my right-hand tires hit curbs and the debris on the shoulders.

That’s not all. For some reason, I never learned to use my mirrors when I drive, which means that I constantly have to turn my head to look at what’s around me, and that backing up can be pretty difficult. Add that to the fact that I have a terrible sense of direction and I’m usually lost and forced to make turns and lane changes at the last possible second, I guess I can see why I’m not a “good” driver.

Because of my substandard driving skills, I rarely have to drive when I’m with friends and family. In fact, someone else always insists on driving and no one ever wants to ride with me. Fortunately, I don’t mind this arrangement. As an added bonus, this means that I rarely have to put gas in my car and end up in the same situation as the man in this video.

We’ve all been there — you pull into a crowded gas station and because you’re not paying attention, you park on the wrong side of the pump. You don’t want to switch sides because you’ll have to go all the way to the back of the line. This guy wasn’t going to let that happen, so he had a very funny solution!

Watch his gas station gaffe in the video below and please like and share!

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