Talented Teen’s Cover Of Ed Sheeran At School Talent Show Has Crowd Screaming For More

When you’ve discovered your talent, your success knows no bounds. Once you’re comfortable in your skin and know that you can take on any challenge to be the best version of your talented self, you’re unstoppable. Think back to the time that you first learned to ride a two-wheeler. Once you could do it without the support of your big brother, feeling the wind in your hair, you pedaled down the street, unstoppable, right? I know I was.

Something similar is the case with Payton Kemp, a young teen who has been ripping through his goals and perfecting his craft since the age of three. The only difference here is that he didn’t even know how talented he was. Payton’s grandmother recognized the skill he had and wanted him to make something of it. So, they all got to work.

You see, Payton is a fabulous singer. He has spent hours on end, since the age of three, working on his vocals and trying to get the big break that he deserved. This “break” came at the age of nine when Payton was selected to cast as Young Tarzan for the first ever Disney Broadway show. He then went on to cast in a couple of other productions, all in the same year. That’s immense success for someone so young, we’re sure his family is so proud.

It’s not just his family who’s recognized how lucky Payton has been; the singing star himself has admitted that he’s been blessed with some great opportunities in his life so far and that a lot of this he credits to his relationship with God and his faith. In a post online, the teen says, “I am continually blessed to meet and surround myself with some amazing, uplifting, and VERY talented people and because of them, my family and my Father in Heaven, I am learning to become ‘supremely happy.'” It’s great to see him be so humble at such a young age.

Today, we’re sharing with you a clip from the time that Payton presented at his school’s talent show. When he heard that his high school is hosting a show, the young man didn’t hesitate to sign up and start practicing. It’s needless to say that he managed to blow everyone out of the water with his routine. You have to see it to believe it!

So, click below to watch Payton give an unforgettable singing performance.

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