Man Brings In Marilyn Monroe’s “Some Like It Hot” Dress For An Appraisal That Knocks Him Over

I grew up in a house full of antiques. I have vague memories of being hauled off every Saturday morning during the summer to garage sales with my dad, with the high hopes of finding a gem amidst junk. He had an eye for finding value in items that others would consider worthless. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure, right? Well, he did pretty well because he succeeded in finding some pretty cool items that ended up being worth something.

While none of my dad’s finds were as good as this one, I am a sucker for stories like it! They’re so chock full of history and reminds me of my childhood summers spent tearing around town looking at vintage art and ornately decorated plates. Plus, it’s Marilyn Monroe! Does it get any better?

In an episode of “Antiques Roadshow” in Palm Springs, California, USA, a man has brought in a black, fringy satin dress worn by Marilyn Monroe in the hit classic, “Some Like It Hot,” from 1959, a romantic comedy that has touched the hearts of many! The man was given this dress from his friend and costume designer Don Feld, who, at one point, had this dress in his possession.

Why this man was given an iconic dress worn by the century’s biggest star is a mystery, but he brought it in to get appraised by Beth Szescila with the eagerness to uncover a hefty price tag!

Beth is in awe as she gives a little background story.

She explains how the dress was made by the Oscar-winning designer, Orry-Kelly who had a working relationship with Marilyn.

In fact, she would frequently sew the actress into the outfits and dresses she made-to-order to make sure it fit just right! Afterall, Marilyn Monroe’s dress needs to fit juuuuust right!

Along with this particular dress, the man brought in two still shots of the starlet wearing the piece in the film.

Beth goes on to comment about just how small the dress is, remarking that Marilyn was, in fact, a very petite woman.

She also identifies the dress, as seen in the photos, and points out the legitimate marks of authenticity.

This is the real deal, and what a find! Beth estimates a conservative number so as not to get him too excited, but he’s “[I’m} about ready to fall over…”

Click below to see just how much this stunning piece of Hollywood history is worth!

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