Every dog I’ve ever come in contact with is extremely high energy. Every time. I knew a dachshund that piddled a little puddle every single time he saw me, which was every other day for two years! Of course, dogs have downtime, they’re not robots, but for the most part, they’re full of beans! What other animal runs back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth for hours fetching the same ball over and over again? How many times have I opened the door to a friend’s house only to be ambushed by an extremely happy and eager dog? And, on how many occasions have I been the designated dog walker only to get walked by the dog, instead? Countless! Every time! Dogs have boundless supplies of energy, I don’t know how they do it. I’m convinced they have secret reserves!
Take this poor pooch, Max the yellow lab, as an example. It seems like he is having one heck of a lazy day. He must have had a tough week! He’s absolutely bedridden, or is he?
Max is hilarious, I can totally relate to his behavior. The pup just doesn’t wanna get outta bed! He is sprawled out on his back, enjoying life indoors on his owner’s plush and comfy bed, happy to be doing what he’s doing. But mom needs him off. Now. Looks like the bed is unmade and she has to make it. She coaxes the stubborn pooch saying, “Come on big baby, come on. Get off mama’s bed. Let’s go. Want a treat? Would you get off the bed for a treat? Not even a treat?” Max is responsive but he’s not having any of it. Mom is grabbing his paws, trying to jar him awake and out of his sleepy state, but no such luck. He’s staying put.
“Come on big baby, come on. Coooome oooon. Cooomeee onnnn…” she continues. He’s still comatose, his body heavy and showing no sign of movement. As a last resort, mom has no choice left. She’s got one more option to get this lazy dog moving. She says the one word she knows that’ll get him up and at ‘em and – bam! It works like a charm.
Click below to watch this one. You gotta see it to believe it! I never thought it was true in real life, but this is living proof that saying this one word changes everything!