Woman Who Never Wears Make Up Gets Makeover

If you look good, you feel good. It’s simple. A haircut, new lipstick – it’s as easy as just adding in some color to your wardrobe or putting in a couple more minutes to enhance what you’ve already got! I just added a purple scarf to my all-grey outfit and instantly felt better.

So, imagine what it feels like to get a makeover on the spot! A full, head to toe, makeup, hair and wardrobe overhaul! A new look is something we’ve all thought about or wished for! At least I have, and so have these two hopeful women. On an episode of “Today’s” Ambush Makeover, stylist Louis Licari and style expert Jill Martin take on two women who want a complete transformation.

Trish, from Florida, is 48 years old and is a mom of six who needs a fix! She’s adopted five of her kids, serves as an animal rescue worker and runs her own interior design company. Total super mom! How does she do it? This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for her, and her kids couldn’t be happier! “My mom is the most loving and kind person I’ve ever met. She’s literally willing to do anything for anyone,” says her daughter.

Trish’s kids eagerly wait, blindfolded, as mom emerges from backstage – they don’t even recognize her! She is a total bombshell as she struts her stuff in front of the camera. Her hair is blown out, her dress colorful and light, and she just looks like a million bucks rather than a mom of six.

Next up, is Christy, 54, from Florida as well. She’s not really up for wearing makeup or pampering herself, so her sisters worked in cahoots to surprise her, feeling that this would round out her birthday girls trip.

Host Jill asks one of the sisters why Christy deserves this makeover, and without hesitation, replies, “She’s a wonderful sister. And she’s beautiful inside and out and we’re excited she’s going to wear makeup.” Christy is excited and scared, but ready to be made up! And the result? See for yourself! Let’s just say, she barely looks recognizable. Her new ‘do shaves off 20 years, and her clothes add style and give her a much more feminine shape. And, after checking herself out in the mirror, she oozes confidence, thrilled at how fabulous she looks!

Click below to watch these women get made up to look their best!

Source: FaithTap

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