Camouflaged Cat Is Sitting Pretty, Except She Blends Into The Background. Can You Find Her?

I grew up in a pretty cool neighborhood. It wasn’t rich, it wasn’t poor, it was a mix of everything. The best part of me growing up where I did was that it was filled with kids my age. Every corner of every residential street had a handful of houses with children my age. We all went to school together during the day, and played games together in the evening, especially during the summer!

It was summertime when we’d all get together and play a good old classic game of hide and seek. We’d create boundaries, Ivan’s yard was the farthest we could go to the east, Tyler’s the north, Erin’s the south and the next street over, the west. We got to be pretty good at hiding and seeking over the years!

But, as awesome as kids are at playing this well-loved classic game, it’s cats that have hide and seek on lockdown. With their tiny agile bodies and sneaky way of finding hidden spots high and low, felines are the masters of playing this age-old game. They’ve typically got spotted fur that helps them camouflage easily. They’re stealthy and know how to use their colored fur to their advantage. After all, their speckled coat helps them to hide and protects these kitties from predators (while also helping them to catch prey on the fly!) They don’t even have to creep and crawl very far. In fact, sometimes, they can stand in plain sight and you wouldn’t even see them.

Like the cat in this photo. Yup, there is one. I promise! I took me a few minutes to find this master of camouflage, but I assure you, there’s a kitty amidst the background in there somewhere! She’s tucked away, look pretty and once you find her, you’ll kick yourself because she’s so obvious! She blends in perfectly, and she’s not even trying. It’s so funny how her brownish fur blends in so naturally.

It was all about being in the right place at the right time, making it extra challenging for the human brain to pick out her location. Did you find her yet? How long did it take you? This image just goes to show how sneaky good cats are at hiding! Whether under the bed or outdoors in a scene like this, kitties know how to play tricks!

Click below and try to find the brownish red kitty! Bet it’ll take you longer than you think!

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