Couple Finds Themselves Surrounded By 20 Killer Whales

When going on a trip with a loved one, experiencing all you can together is the goal. Whether you choose to go snorkeling, skiing, skydiving, or something else, it’s always a good time to get acquainted with something new and exciting.

But, when a Florida couple, Rich and Laura Howard, took off to gorgeous Mexico to celebrate their 20th anniversary, things quickly took a turn, and quite a scary one, when they decided to go diving. They weren’t alone, they were accompanied by an instructor, but that doesn’t make things any less scary.

Rather than getting to enjoy the full experience of their diving session, the couple glanced over at their instructor only to see a concerned look on his face along with a signal that suggested it was time to end the dive — early.

Not knowing why the instructor wanted to cut the dive short, the couple headed back to their boat. It was when they got back onto the boat that they learned there were approximately 20 killer whales were very close by, so it was imperative to get back to safety as quickly as possible.

Fortunately, Laura was filming the entire time, capturing some heart-racing footage of the whales heading directly towards them as they quickly travel in the opposite direction. But the next thing you know, the pod of whales begins to put on a little show comprising of flips and jumps in the air, in a playful manner. It turns out, the killer whales weren’t prospective killers at all. (Whew! That was a close call.)

“The actual video doesn’t do it justice. When you were there and looking in the water, it was so clear,” says Rich as he watches the footage again.

While the couple’s diving session wasn’t as long as it was supposed to be, I’m sure the two were just as happy to enjoy the spontaneous killer whale performance, especially caught on film! Of course, good things came out of that video as it now has gone viral on the web.

At times, it seems that the things we’d never expect to happen end up being some of the best experiences we come across!

If you knew killer whales were dangerously close to you while you were diving, how would you feel? Panicked? Excited? I think I would be a bit of both myself.

To learn more about the shocking killer whale experience, watch the video below. Please share on Facebook and Twitter if you found it intriguing!

Source: FaithTap

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