Lazy Husky Refuses To Go For A Walk

One of the best things about owning dogs is getting to know their unique personalities. People that don’t have dogs in their lives might think that all dogs act the same or at least all dogs of the same breed act similarly, but the exact opposite of that is true. Dog people know that every dog has their own unique, special personality.

Many times, a dog’s personality is somewhat affected by the way they are raised. However, like people and other types of animals, dogs’ personalities are formed one way or another due to a variety of factors that include environment, breed, lineage, and more. It’s important to remember that every dog is an individual, and just like us, dogs want to be understood and appreciated just the way they are.

Some dogs are happy go lucky, while others may be more reserved. There are dogs that are very outgoing and social and want to meet everyone they see and make friends, while other dogs are shyer and may take some time to warm up to people. There are very active dogs and of course, there are the couch potatoes who are happy to laze around all day, preferably with the company of their favorite human or humans.

While my own dogs fall more on the couch potato end of the spectrum, at least one of my dogs was very active when he was younger. While my other pups have always been fairly lazy, he was always up for an adventure, a run, or a nice long walk. These days, he’s happy to go outside for a quick romp or a leisurely stroll, but his days of running several miles by my side are over.

I think that the adorable husky in this video would get along with my lazy dogs just fine. Zeus the Husky isn’t opposed to going for a walk, but he’d rather it be on his own terms. Like me, some days he’s happy for some exercise and other days he’d rather just lay around on the sofa.

On one of those lazy days, his mom managed to catch Zeus on video when she asked him if he’d like to go for a walk. Like most huskies, Zeus is quite vocal and is quick to inform his mom that he would rather spend the day snuggling and watching Netflix. Same here, Zeus.

Watch the hilarious “conversation” in the video below!

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