Military Sons Surprise Family By Walking In Parade

Every family has a tradition. Sometimes they’re small, like eating dinner together every Sunday and other times they’re big like having a gigantic reunion on a tropical island every half-decade. Some have been around for years, passed down through the generations while others start from within the immediate family. Whatever it is, the core belief is usually the same, it’s about the time spent together creating memories that last a lifetime.

For this family, tradition is important to them. With their two sons John and Tom away serving in the US Army and US Navy, respectively, they know life can change at the drop of a hat, so living in the moment is that much more important. Really appreciating what they’ve got in the present moment and being able to look forward to that time spent doing something they love to do is what matters.

On Independence Day, the 4th of July, the family heads down to attend the Grasslake parade, a local parade they’ve gone to for over 20 years! With the entire family in tow, from the little ones to the elders, everyone gathers their chairs and supplies to make it out for this sunny and fun-filled event! However, this year is a little different. Daughter Shannon decided to up the ante with a big surprise she’s been planning for a while!

The family sets up shop on the sidewalk where they’ve always stood to honor and show respect primarily for the Color Guard which represents all branches of the military. They stand and each place their right hand over their heart. This year, at the beginning of the parade, as the Color Guard began their march, Shannon started recording her parents as they watched on, knowing full well what was about to happen next!

As the uniformed men and women march in formation, two men break form and walk over to the family on the sidewalk – and mom loses it! With the help of Shannon, John and Tom were able to plan this big surprise and shock their parents. The crowd erupts in cheers and everyone is crying and hugging. You can hear Shannon say, “We got her! Good job, good teamwork!” Great teamwork indeed, excellent execution and what a way to make this tradition stand out!

Click below to watch this really expressive reaction! Notice how she throws the phone down on the chair. It’s perfect timing!

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