Baby And Labradoodle Fight Over Stuffed Toy

We all have a few material items we’ve grown attached to. Come on, admit it! We can’t help it! I love my beige strappy, high-heeled designer sandals. I’d take on anyone who tried to take them from me. And my laptop? Ha! Good luck trying to pry that out of my dead hands! There’s no way anything is getting between me and the single piece of equipment I use every day of my life! And my passport? That’s perhaps my most valued material possession. If I lost that I don’t know what I would do, probably not go anywhere!

Now, these are adult toys us grown-ups worry about. But for dogs and kids, life is so much simpler with far less detail and with much more basic emotion, as seen in this side-splitting video.

The video opens to the chocolate-colored Labradoodle chewing away at his stuffed toy. He’s got his head down, totally involved, when a baby comes crawling in from the side. The chubby baby girl is stealth, closing in swiftly. She goes in for the kill, grabbing the bunny’s foot and bringing it closer to her. She’s got a good hold on the toy, but the pup foils her plans. He sees her making a move, and grabs back. There’s a bit of a power struggle as she gets a really good grasp, and starts to celebrate her victory with a big smile and a screech. She looks into the camera squealing while the dog continues to munch away, trying to keep and enjoy what’s rightfully his!

The tug of war resumes and the baby grabs the bunny’s ear. She’s making cute and delightful sounds while the dog focuses on keeping a strong hold on the rabbit – and silently plotting his revenge!

The baby lets up for just a moment, and the dog seems to have been able to take back the toy! With a firm grip on the rabbit ear, the baby tries to steal it back, but it’s too late. The dog is standing up, pulling the toy towards him when there’s a noise in the background that distracts the baby and she looks away. A second later, she comes back to the present moment and falls over trying to grab the dog’s head. Neither one really won the fight, and neither one really lost! It was a friendly, and adorable battle for the rest of us to watch.

Click below to watch this very unaggressive, slow-moving but super cute “fight” go down!

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