Grandma Slams Door In Daughter’s Face When She Comes For A Surprise Visit

Another birthday means another successful spin around the sun! There’s a pep in your step, air in your lungs and lots more life to live! Whether you’re 8 or 80, you’ve just completed another round of 365 days and I think that’s more than enough reason to celebrate, no? I know some people don’t like to go all out, and they think once they reach a certain age, there isn’t much to celebrate. It doesn’t have to be a lavish party on a boat (although I think that would be nice…) but a surprise visit with flowers and a hug sure does seal the deal and makes the birthday girl/boy feel special!

But, one thing about surprises: You never know how the person is going to react! I know I tend to yell and scream and accidentally drop whatever I’m holding. I’m a total scaredy cat and react loudly and dramatically. While my reaction might be a little over the top, this grandma is cool, calm and collected, but the surprise takes on a whole new spin of its own!

Colleen Kern lives 1,000 miles away in New Jersey, from her mom Donna, in Florida. They stay in touch, but it’s just not the same as being in the flesh! So, when Colleen got it together and decided to give mom a good ‘ol surprise house visit, Colleen had no idea what was headed for her. Armed with a stunning flower arrangement in one hand, and the camera recording in the other, Colleen marched right on up to her mom’s door and rang the doorbell.

At 75, Donna is pretty quick to answer the door, but keeping it open is a whole other story! The shocked grandma can’t believe her eyes when she opens up. Her mouth drops open and the look on her face says everything. She stands there for a moment before slamming the door. Another moment passes, and the stunned Donna tries again. She opens up, and of course, Colleen is all giggles at this point while Donna tries to keep it together.

Her face is priceless with the look of utter disbelief slathered across it as Colleen tries to fit in a “Happy Birthday..!!!” before the door closes, again! It’s a pretty door with a lovely tulip wreath, but Colleen came to see her mom, not get slammed in the face twice. Eventually, Colleen comes to terms with the surprise, crying, as she opens the door and it turns into a lovely reunion! This just goes to show how special birthdays are, even when someone stubbornly doesn’t want to admit it!

Click below to watch this funny moment turn out nicely in the end!

Source: Rumble

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