Man Plays Piano For Blind Elephant

Have you ever stopped what you’re doing to get lost in your favorite song? I’m talking about that moment where you’re so entranced by the melody that you are overcome with a wave of emotion so strong and are compelled to put down the box of cereal in aisle three and close your eyes to fully feel the magnitude of the music? Or the moment where you’re cleaning the bathroom and the background music you have on is so good that suddenly, scrubbing the toilet has become less of a chore and more of a meditation?

Well, I have. And that’s the power of music. It’s the ability to stir emotion locked deep down inside, and bring feelings of gratitude and liveliness up to the surface. Call it flow, or tapping into a good mood, but I have found myself in this situation multiple times, and quite frankly, it’s just the best.

After watching this video, it’s clear that this emotion can be felt by everyone. Talented British pianist Paul Barton set out to share his gift with an appreciative audience, an unusual audience but a grateful one no less. Furthermore, Paul’s performance took place on an unusual stage. Just him, a piano and a seat on the floor of the Thai jungle in front of one blind, lone 62-year-old elephant, named Lam Duan. Blind for most of her life, Lam Duan (her name means “tree with yellow flowers”) received a show just for her and it’s her reaction that will make your heart melt.

The elephant is lumbering around the clearing of the jungle as Paul opens the impromptu performance by saying a few words, and introducing what he will play by composers Chopin, Bach, and Schubert. Paul takes his seat and his fingers start to scale up and down the keys.

Lam Duan is just in front of the piano. She is about to walk by but comes to a halt as Paul embarks on a musical journey. Her body changes direction, and she pauses. She slows right down, her backside taking a seat as she tunes into where the music is coming from. Her demeanor is receptive and she clearly enjoys what she’s hearing.

The gentle giant sways side to side at certain points during the performance, absorbing the beauty of the masterpiece. Paul’s chords shift and move, and he’s clearly a talented pianist, but it’s the animal’s calm reaction that’s so sweet. She’s been given the gift of music and a reprieve from her day-to-day routine. What a beautiful moment.

Click below to watch the gift of music be given to a deserving recipient.

Source: FaithTap

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