Soldier Buys Dinner For Two Little Boys

It may sound too simple, but sometimes a very small gesture can make a very big difference. It’s easy to look at all of the big problems in the world and become overwhelmed with the enormity of things that need to be fixed or helped. When it looks too difficult to overcome, we tend to turn the other way and go back to our own lives because we feel like there is nothing we can do that will make a difference.

But the truth is, even though we may not be able to change big problems in a way that we can see, we can each do small things every day that affect a couple of people but may create bigger change down the line. If we were to do one kind thing for one person each day, and they did one kind thing and so on, before long it’s like an avalanche of good things! Even if it never becomes something big, one small gesture may simply be enough to change a life or a negative perception or opinion. 

Army Lt. Col. Risdon of Ft. Benning decided to reach out and make a difference on this particular day and it was captured on video. He saw two young boys selling baked goods to raise money for their church. He noticed that the boys were wet from the weather and asked them if they had eaten dinner. When they replied that they had not, he bought them whatever they wanted off the Taco Bell menu.

“I had to video it and share. Our troops are always taking care of us. Thank u LTC Robert Risdon,” said the man who took the video.

After ordering his meal, one of the boys saluted the soldier and told him, “I want to be just like you when I grow up.”

LTC Risdon’s gesture was a small one, but an important one for these boys. He taught them that their own kindness and hard work raising money for their church would be rewarded with kindness. He showed them that there is good in this world and that we can keep working together to make things better.

We have no idea what happened after this video was taken, but we can only hope that this small gesture made a big difference and that these boys will continue to spread the kindness and positivity. We can all learn a little something from this.

Watch the inspiring video below!

Source: ShareTap

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