Mama Dog Is Reunited With Her 12 Puppies

While a lot of very happy dogs have wonderful families that love them, there are plenty of dogs out there who just aren’t as lucky. My own dogs have a warm, safe home to sleep in, plenty of toys, good food, lots of love and cuddles, room to play outside, and access to excellent veterinary care. But, there are too many dogs who have access to none of those things, even though they deserve happiness and comfort.

Fortunately, there are many people out there who are willing to help out some of these animals — sometimes many more than they had originally planned! When Jon and Tracey found Bess, she was wandering the streets of Tennessee. She was lonely, scared, miserable, and very pregnant, so the couple knew they absolutely had to do something to help her.

They picked her up and seeing her condition, they drove her straight to the emergency veterinarian. It’s a good thing, too, because Bess had been in labor for some time and was having dangerous complications. The tiniest puppy in the litter was blocking the birth canal and had been receiving limited oxygen for hours. Things did not look good but Bess is a fighter and so are her pups.

The vets were able to save the puppies, including the smallest who Jon and Tracey named Burrdie. However, the vets informed the couple that because of the complications, Bess’s condition, and the number of puppies, it was unlikely that they would survive. But Jon and Tracey were determined to fight those odds.

They took Bess and the puppies home, moving all of the furniture out of their living room and setting up a safe and very comfortable “doggie daycare” area for Bess and the newborns. With the help of friends and family, they were able to provide around the clock care for the little family. Miraculously, all the puppies survived.

As they began to grow, the household became very chaotic and Jon and Tracey realized that they couldn’t keep everyone. They were able to adopt Bess and each of the puppies to close friends and family, so they knew they would be well cared for. When the puppies celebrated their first birthday, the families decided to have a reunion and get everyone together. And they invited a very special guest — Bess!

Watch the video below to see the incredibly heartwarming moment that the whole family is reunited. I dare you not to cry!

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