Strong Winds Cause Forest Ground To Appear Like It’s Breathing

With summer in full form, all I want to do it be outside. I would love to be at the beach, on a patio somewhere in the city, picking fresh strawberries at a farm, or just taking a hike up a nice trail. This time outdoors makes the day complete, and it’s a refreshing change from being indoors, perched on a chair in front of a computer. There is something about nature that makes me feel peaceful.

Nature is beautiful and amazing in all its ways. I love to go for a stroll in my neighborhood just to admire the greenery and all things natural, that we live around. And if I’m feeling very adventurous, we have a small woodlot right behind the house, that I like to go exploring in. By “exploring”  I mean just going out in the woods and finding some cool trees, or birds I’ve never seen before. Sometimes I come across some fun stuff, other days it’s more of just a walk. Although I’ve never found anything super interesting in my 20 plus years of “exploring,” I’m sure the man who made the video below, can say otherwise.

Below is some footage that a man, by the name of Brian Nuttall, recorded and then uploaded onto the internet, and for all the right reasons! While on a casual stroll in Nova Scotia, this man saw the earth “breathing”. They’re visually describing this phenomenon as looking like “a giant sleeping under the forest floor”. Brian says, “As I entered a patch of trees spared from clear-cutting, I noticed the ground moving, ” so he decided to pull out his camera and record the phenomena for millions of others to virtually experience.

Although the entire thing looks super magical and very scary, the explanation behind this entire thing is more scientific: When there are strong winds, experts say that the roots loosen and tend to shift beneath the earth, hence the “breathing” effect.

We know, somewhere deep down inside, we all wished that science had less to do with this phenomenon!

Have you come across anything interesting while exploring the great outdoors? We’d love to hear about your adventures and what you’ve seen while you’re out and about, in the comments.

In the meantime, watch the footage below and don’t forget to like and share this post!

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