Clever Dog Brings Sprinkler Indoors To Beat The Heat

Summers are lots of fun. We get to wear shorts and tee shirts and go out without the fear of being cold. We can have barbeques outdoors, spend an entire weekend at a cottage, or just spend a full day at the beach by the water. Although the summer months are short-lived, we try to make the most of them — that we should!

But, despite the good weather and the sun shining all the time, we also have to take in the heat and how hot these days can get. There are days when we will run from the heat and try to cool down in different ways. For example, there are times when we don’t leave the house and plan to stay indoors, in the AC; other times, we’ll sit in the shade on a patio, or even under a tree, and have an ice cream or our favorite drink. And even though I’m an adult now, I’ll admit that I still like to run through a sprinkler every now and again. It’s just so refreshing.

I’m not the only one who does, though. Enter this adorable pup, Baloo, who lives in Lake Dallas, Texas, and is grappling with the heat in his own way. We all know that Texas can face some grueling high temperatures, so everyone has to find a happy medium. For Baloo, his happy medium was having some fun in the sun while also soaking in the sprinkler. Mom, Cara Wohr, captured the moment in a video and put it on her Facebook.

Once the day was over, and it was time for Baloo to go back inside and clean up, mom thought that the sprinkler episode was done and behind everyone. The two go inside but there’s something else that comes with Baloo. According to mom, Baloo brought the sprinkler in with him through his dog door! Mind you the sprinkler is still on, and there’s water coming right through it, and Baloo continues to enjoy his run with the sprinkler — the only difference is that he’s indoors.

Unfortunately, mom wasn’t able to take a video of the dog with his new toy inside, but she did manage to take a picture of him. You can tell that he’s enjoying himself just as much inside as he was outside.

To see the dog have the time of his life with the sprinkler, click on the video below!

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