Dentist Shows Off Dance Moves To Drake’s “In My Feelings”

Music and dance-related challenges are all the rage right now. You can log in to any one of your social media accounts and you’ll see a group of people doing the lip-sync challenge, or someone dancing to Drake’s “In My Feelings.” If there is something that’s gotten extremely popular in the last couple of weeks, it’s Drake’s infamous “Kiki, do you love?…” We also have police officers taking part in these challenges, which almost seems out of character, right?

If you think that’s out of character, then what we’re about to share today isn’t something that you see every day either — a dancing dentist! Yes, you read that right, a dentist doing the ever-so-popular “In My Feelings,” Shiggy Challenge.

What do you think of when someone says, “Let’s visit the dentist!” I know me, someone who hates going to the dentist, can only think of sharp tools and the discomfort of having my mouth clamped wide open for at least 45 minutes for a regular cleaning. There’s no fun involved in going to the dentist, but the gentleman below may have just changed that outlook for a lot of us!

Dr. Rich Constantine of Constantine Dental in Greenville, South Carolina decided he’s going to take part in one of these dance challenges just like everyone else. He figured he’d shake a leg and record himself doing it, and then like everyone else, put it up on the internet. The only thing he didn’t anticipate was that he’d become so popular on the internet — people loved him!

Also, although the doctor is dancing to Drake’s “In My Feelings,” the name of his performance is, “In My Fillings.” That’s quite witty if you ask me.

For anyone who needs a little bit of background information on the dance, it picked up steam after Drake released his song. His fans and followers soon started posting videos of themselves busting some moves to the lyrics; the ones that have gone most viral have even received a ton of recognition! So, it makes sense that Dr. Constantine figured it was high time to jump onto that bandwagon!

The responses to his video are making me crack up. People are not only commending the dentist’s awesome dancing skills, but they’re also commenting on his good looks.  One user commented, “Man. If my dentist looked like that, I wouldn’t be scared to go!!!!”

Click below to watch Dr. Constantine dance up a storm in his office!

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