Orangutan Interacts With Baby Through Window

Even as an adult, I love going to the zoo. I can’t get enough of learning about animals and observing how they act. One family got a little surprise when they took their baby to see the orangutans at the Denver Zoo — as they watched, the orangutan noticed the baby through the glass and approached, giving the little one affectionate kisses through the glass!

According to orangutan-world.com, these animals differ somewhat from other apes in the way that they socialize, even with members of their own species. “Orangutans are loners so they don’t develop the same type of social structure as other apes. They are clearly very intelligent though and able to take very good care of themselves in the wild…They are very shy animals as well, and they often do all they can to avoid conflict with other animals as well as other orangutans. Even when two males are in conflict with each other one will usually run off rather than the two of them engaging in a physical confrontation.”

Even though they are solitary animals, orangutans are very good mothers and are extremely protective and attentive to their young, as is the case with almost all other animals.

“The females are extremely responsive to the needs of their offspring. They will protect them from other animals and even male orangutans. They will make sure they get plenty to eat, groom them, and hold them lovingly.

There is plenty of evidence to show that orangutans take part in social learning practices with their young. They are one of the few animals that are known to do this. For example, a mother may teach her young how to make a tool to scratch its back with or how to use rocks to open up foods.”

Perhaps the orangutan in this video recognized the baby as someone young who needed care. Living in captivity, and being very intelligent in their observation of humans, this ape may have been imitating something that humans do, or it may have had a real affection for the child. Whatever the case, it is an absolutely adorable interaction.

Hopefully, this video will not only bring a smile to your face like it did to mine, but it will help remind people how special these animals are and that they need to be protected.

Watch the heartwarming video below and please like and share!

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