School Helps Janitor Fund His Trip To Visit His Son And Grandson

We all know that a lot goes into running a successful school. There’s impeccable coordination involved and support needed from the community to ensure that the children who go to any given school receive the best quality of education that they deserve. Teachers and school faculty also play a key role in ensuring that their classroom students are comfortable, happy, and successful.

As students, we can always turn to the role models like our teachers and principals for help and sound advice. We can refer to our guidance counselors when we need assistance in developing a career path based on our likes and dislikes; nurses and lunchroom monitors also make up the staff at various schools, and these people offer assistance and guidance in their own rights.

Now, if there’s one role in the school that sometimes goes unnoticed, and even taken for granted, then it has to be that of a janitor. Believe it or not, but there is someone who puts in hours before, during, and after school to ensure that the building is clean and all classrooms and washrooms are accessible to everyone at all times. Say the light goes out for a brief minute — the school would come to a standstill — we’ll all be calling on the janitor to fix the problem so we can continue on with our day. Right?

I’m sure a lot of schools pay respect and appreciate their janitors for all that they do on a daily basis. The one story of appreciation that really sticks out to me is the one shared in the video below.

Ricky Spaulding is the well-loved janitor at Anderson County High in Lexington, Kentucky, USA. He is always there for all the students and is quick to get the job done, whatever it may be. Ricky is always at work and his dedication to the school and its staff and students is what convinced everyone to put together a surprise of a lifetime.

You see, Ricky’s son is stationed in Italy; he had also had a newborn recently. Although Ricky and his wife wanted to go see their son, and new grandson, funds were tight and flying to Italy was out of the question. This is when the school decided to step in. In a fundraiser that started earlier in the year, students and staff members got together to collect $1900 to present to Ricky. This gesture was a great way to say thank you to the man for all his help, as well.

The school then arranged for a pep rally and totally set the janitor up for the big surprise! His wife was present, too! The moment the two get to know of the generous donation is so sweet and a must-watch.

Click below to see the entire surprise unfold!

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