Service Dog Helps Owner Through A Panic Attack

Dogs are beautiful and kind creatures that, as some people say, we don’t deserve. Whether you love or dislike dogs, you can’t deny their intelligence. More specifically, you can’t deny the talent of service dogs. Service dogs are pups that have been trained to have abilities that make us wonder how in the world they can do what they do. The video down below is about a service dog, and his abilities are impressive.  

Whenever someone is about to have a panic attack, you can’t tell that it’s about to come on. They come at random times, and it’s not something that you can catch before it happens. Service dogs, however, can do exactly that. The footage we’re sharing shows a woman, Amber Oliver, and her service dog, Oakley, at the airport, both sitting and waiting for their plane to arrive at Kentucky International Airport. Oakley is five-years-old. 

Amber is a certified professional dog trainer. Considering her vocation, she was able to get a dog and transform it into a service dog for herself. But, why does she need one? The woman suffers from panic attacks, and she needs Oakley to make sure that she’s okay, and to calm her down. While everyone deals with panic attacks differently, the dog seems to help her out.

You can’t see Amber having a panic attack in the video because the dog senses the attack coming before it can fully occur. Amber was just sitting, but when she covered her face, Oakley felt a change and automatically stood up to comfort his owner. Oakley gets her attention by rubbing his body against her legs and laying his head on her shoulder. He whimpers as he tries to help her, and does what he was trained to do. He starts touching Amber’s hands to get them away from her face, and he makes sure to stay right there for her.

According to the YouTube description Oakley, “has been trained by his owner to look out for her oncoming panic attacks by detecting changes in her behavior.” Amber taught him to pick up on changes to her body temperature, breathing, and her heart rate. He is alert that she’s about to have a panic attack before it even comes on.

Oakley hugs Amber, leaning his head on her shoulder as she buries hers in his neck. They stay cuddled up like that, and it seems to distract the woman. Oakley is, as they say, a good boy.

To watch the incredible video that will warm your heart, click down below!

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