Pup Bursts Into Impromptu Dance Routine At The Groomers

If you’re like me, you can’t get enough of watching funny videos on the internet. I know that in the grand scheme of things we really haven’t had the internet in its current form for very long, but it seems like it’s something that has always been there. Though I grew up without the internet, even though we were one of the few families to have a personal desktop computer, at this point I can’t imagine my life without being connected.

One of the beauties of the world wide web is that people are able to use it for so many things. For one person, it may just be watching videos, for someone else they may use their computer solely for work, while another person may do all of their shopping online. For most of us at this point, I think that computers, smartphones, and our internet connection are used for a combination of all of those things, and a lot more.

I will admit that even though I use my computer for work, I probably use it way too much for watching videos. I suppose it would be okay if I was trying to educate myself or learn a new skill, but mostly I just want to watch cute things or something funny. If it’s cute and funny then it’s definitely a winner! As far as adorable and entertaining, this short video is one of the best that I’ve seen in a long time.

Honestly, the little dog in the video doesn’t have to do anything to be absolutely adorable. It’s so cute just standing there and being perfectly well-behaved for its grooming appointment. It’s a tiny little thing — just look at its size in comparison to the groomer’s hand! And those big brown eyes are just too much.

But, it gets even more adorable. As an upbeat song comes on in the background, the little dog starts to dance, right along with the beat of the song and perfectly matching the timing of the scissor snips. While the pup might not be dancing to the beat on his own, it looks perfectly happy as the groomer scratches its back to get the most adorable wiggles.

Laughter is contagious and the person filming can’t stop laughing at the impromptu dance. I immediately joined in — it’s nearly impossible to watch this video without a laugh, or at the very least, a big smile.

Watch it below and please like and share with someone who needs a smile today!

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